Angelus: Aw, crap! You mean, killing the Beast really does bring back the sun?
from Salvage (Season 4)
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ANGELUS: Hey, Faith. Nice to see you again. Mmm. You're looking choice as ever. Oh, that's right. We've never really met, have we?

FAITH: So, what are you waiting for? Come out and gimme a kiss.

ANGELUS: No, no, no. You come to me. That's it. Getting warmer. Warmer...warmer. You're smoking hot.

(Faith turns to see Angelus standing behind her.)

ANGELUS: But then again, you probably knew that. Honey, I brought a guest home for dinner. (Faith turns to see the Beast standing behind her; Angelus crosses his arms and chuckles) Let's eat.

(... commercial ...)

BEAST: What is this, Angelus?

ANGELUS: This is a slayer. Say hi to the nice Beast, Faith.

BEAST: You dare to bring a slayer here?

ANGELUS: Hey, I'm doing you a favor, Stonehenge. She's here to seriously mess up you and your boss's plans. So, question is, what do you do, hot shot? Hmm? What do you do?

(Faith attacks, Beast grabs her)

ANGELUS: Smile, Faith. I thought you'd enjoy a threesome.

FAITH: (punches Angelus and the Beast, wrestling free of his grip) Sure.

ANGELUS: Oh! (chuckles)

FAITH: Let's get it on. (she fights the Beast)

ANGELUS: Ooh-ee! Watch yourself, big guy, the girl's on fire. (Faith goes flying) That's gonna sting in the morning. (the Beast and Faith continue to fight) Nice! (Faith gets pinned to the ground) Come on, Faithy. You're not even trying. Better get up. (the Beast kicks her across the room) Oh! You know, somebody should break this up.

BEAST: This is all you are? I had heard the slayer possessed great strength, but there's no real power here. My master's power is beyond all limits, beyond your petty imagining. You are weak. You're nothing. You could not even defeat me.

ANGELUS: Ain't that the truth. I mean, look at this guy, hm? Pretty much the only thing that could do damage to that thick, stony himself. Or, maybe, I don't know, (pulls out the knife used to kill Lilah) a piece of himself. (stabs the Beast in the back with the knife; it goes out in a brilliant light) I knew it. I knew it!

(with the Beast's death, the sun returns)

ANGELUS: Aw, crap! You mean, killing the Beast really does bring back the sun? I thought that was Angel's retarded fantasy. Aah! Oh, well, what're you gonna do? Take the bad with the good, I always say. Anyway, I just wanted Beastie boy here to soften you up. I like my meat nice and tender. (Faith stands and swings a heavy hook and chain toward Angelus, but it goes right by him as he dodges it easily) Ooh, swing and a miss, slugger. Sorry, but— (the hook and chain reach the window, break it, leaving Faith sitting in a pool of light) God! (chuckles) OK. Well, I gotta give you props. Nice move, really. I guess we'll just have to take a rain check on that whole eviscerating you thing. Just you and me, now, Faithy. Catch you later.

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 31

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