Willow: Adam the performance artist
from This Year's Girl (Season 4)
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GILES: The puzzle, it seems to me, is why Adam has stayed dormant as long as he has?

WILLOW: When he's not making performance art out of other demons, that is.

RILEY: He's probably working off an autonomic power source. Because he's straight out of the box he needs to charge up awhile.

BUFFY: Okay. What's he charging up for?

XANDER: Based on the clues, I'll go with killing spree.

RILEY: And that's a best-case scenario. I suppose a little fire power would be a good idea right now.

(He picks up the blaster from the coffee table and flips a switch. Small lights on the side of the weapon start blinking as it charges up, ready to fire.)

XANDER: (surprised) Hey! How'd you do that? Is there like an on/off button somewhere in here?

RILEY: Blasters are easy. Adam won't be.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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