Glory: let's talk about my problems
from Family (Season 5)
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(Glory has the Lei-Ach demon tied to a clothes-rack)

GLORY: You know, I remember when the Lei-Ach were a proud warrior race, not sneaking around hospitals looking for weak sickly types to suck the bone marrow from. But ... let's talk about my problems for thirty seconds, if that's perfectly all right with you. Blonde ... short ... strong for a human ... and massively rude! Broke my shoe, took my monk, do you have any idea who I'm talking about?

(The demon growls and grunts.)

GLORY: A slayer?? Oh god, please don't tell me I was fighting a vampire slayer! How unbelievably common! If I had friends, and they heard about this ... and you know she's going around telling everybody, I mean she probably just-

(she leaps up and grabs the demon by the throat)

GLORY: Pay attention! I am great and I am beautiful, and when I walk into a room all eyes turn to me, because my name is a holy name, and you will listen!

(she removes her hand from demon's throat, strokes his hair with both hands)

GLORY: Get your friends ... find the girl ... kill the girl ... okay baby? You have the cutest little suppurating sores! Has anyone ever told you that?

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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