Buffy: Faith doesn't take 'connections' very seriously
from Consequences (Season 3)
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WILLOW: Well, maybe we should all talk to Faith together.

BUFFY: You mean, like that intervention thing that you guys did on me? As I recall, Xander and I nearly came to blows.

XANDER: Uh, *you* nearly came to blows, Buffy. I nearly came to loss of limbs.

GILES: No, Faith is too defensive for a confrontation like that. She'll respond better to a one-on-one approach.

XANDER: Well, *I* can be the one... on her one. Let's rephrase. I think she might listen to me. We kind of have, um, a connection.

BUFFY: A connection? Why would you think that...

XANDER: I'm just saying it's worth a shot. That's all.

GILES: No, I don't, I don't see it, Xander. I mean, of, of all of us, you're the one person arguably that Faith has had the least contact with.

XANDER: Yeah, but we hung out a little... recently, and she seemed to be, um... responsive.

BUFFY: When did you guys hang out?

XANDER: Oh, she was fighting one of those, uh, apocalypse demon things, and I helped her. Gave her a ride home.

BUFFY: And you guys talked?

XANDER: Not extensively. No.

BUFFY: Then why would you... Oh.


WILLOW: I don't need to say 'oh'. I got it before. They slept together.

GILES: Fine, fine, let's, let's, let's move on.

BUFFY: Alright. Look, I-I know that you mean well, Xander, but, um, I-I just don't see Faith opening up to you. (gently) She doesn't take the guys that she has a... 'connection' with very seriously. And they're, they're kind of a big joke to her. No offense.

XANDER: (guffaws, sarcastically) Oh, no! I mean, why would I be offended by *that*?

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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