Cordelia: It's always some little blonde driving him over the edge.
from Redefinition (Season 2)
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CORDELIA: What just happened? Can someone explain to me - what just happened here?

WESLEY: I believe we were fired.

GUNN: Canned.

WESLEY: Let go.

GUNN: Axed.

WESLEY: Shown the door.

GUNN: Booted.

CORDELIA: Alright! I get it! But, wh-what just *happened*? Fired? Angel *fired* us?

WESLEY: Looks that way.

CORDELIA: Uh. I can't believe this.

WESLEY: Let's keep a level head, shall we? Angel's not been himself lately. Perhaps he'll change his mind.

GUNN: He locked twenty lawyers into a room with a couple of psychotic vampires. I'd say his mind is changed enough.

CORDELIA: Darla. It's all about Darla. One thing you can say about Angel at least he's consistent. It's always some little blonde driving him over the edge. What are we supposed to do now?

GUNN: I think I'll grab a burrito before I head home. What?

WESLEY: No, no. By all means, if you're hungry.

GUNN: Hey, this was just a side gig for me, alright? The extra cash was nice while it lasted, but: Angel wants to go all commando? Hm-mm. No skin off my nose.

CORDELIA: Well, my nose skin is angry, and hurt! And...

WESLEY: ..disappointed?

(Cordelia nods.)

WESLEY: I won't pretend to understand Angel's reasons - but maybe he needs to be alone right now. And the best thing we can do for him, is to let him be.


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written by: Mere Smith; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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