Buffy: wish I were an only child
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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WILLOW: Buffy, wait. Go easy on her.


WILLOW: I can't help it. I just have all this involuntary empathy for Dawn. 'Cause she's, you know, a big spaz.

(All of Buffy's pent-up frustrations suddenly pour out.)

BUFFY: She's so annoying. Especially now that Mom's sick. She's all over her while I have to be the grown-up and the two of them are like the Giggle Twins and why can't I ever be L'il Punkin' Belly?

WILLOW: While I don't feel qualified to address the last part, I can tell you that Dawn's not just the youngest, she's the baby and maybe your mom needs that right now.

BUFFY: Dawn doesn't care what my mom... (beat) You just have no idea how much I wish I were an only child these days.

(The crash of breaking glass comes from the rear of the store.)

DAWN: (o.s.) Oops!

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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