Angel: trouble? bring it on
from Dear Boy (Season 2)
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CORDELIA: (knocking) It's us. (Angel opens the door) We haven't see you all day, we were just wondering if everything was, you know, copacetic.

ANGEL: I didn't go bad, Cordelia.

CORDELIA: Oh, I was never worried about that, boss. (She shoves her tranq pistol into Wesley's hands) Of course Mr. Fussy Pants here always imagines the worst.

WESLEY: What? I didn't... I never...

ANGEL: Is there anything else?

CORDELIA: Nope. Can't think of a thing.

WESLEY: Angel... Be careful.

ANGEL: What do you mean?

WESLEY: Well, it's just... with Darla back, in league with Wolfram and Hart there are a lot of forces arrayed against you. There's going to be trouble.

ANGEL: (laughs) Yeah. There's gonna be a lot of trouble. And I say bring it on.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted, and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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