Buffy meets Principal Wood
from Lessons (Season 7)
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(Xander pulls the car up to drop Buffy and Dawn off in front of the school. )

BUFFY: Im gonna take her to class, have a look around.

XANDER: Okay, Im going to be on site here all day so if you have any needs&

(Buffy and Dawn get out of the car, and Xander drives off. They walk toward the school's front archway.)

BUFFY: Now, remember, if you see anything strange... or, you know...dead.

DAWN: I got it

BUFFY: And stay away from hyena people, or any loser-type athletes, you know, or if you see anyone that's invisible.

DAWN: Hey, Buffy, I think it's pretty safe to say I'm not going to see anybody that's invisible.

BUFFY: You know, you could still drop out. Only nerds finish high school.

DAWN: You know, I don't really think it's fair for you to try and scare me on my first day of high school. 'Cause it is so redundant.

BUFFY: The place is evil.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Tough to let 'em go, huh?


PRINCIPAL WOOD: I'm Robin Wood. New principal.

BUFFY: Oh, uh, Buffy Summers. This is Dawn.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Nice to meet you.


BUFFY: So you're the new principal. I expected you to be more... aged.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Huh. You seem a bit young to have such a gown-up daughter.

BUFFY: Oh. Uh, uh, no. Sister.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Oh, right, um, of course.

BUFFY: You didn't really think she's my... it's my hair. I have mom hair.

DAWN: No...

PRINCIPAL WOOD: I actually have heard of you, Miss Summers. Graduated from the old high school, am I right?

BUFFY: Uh, yeah. How did you--?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Well, I better get back to work. Gotta start deadening young minds. It's really nice to meet you. You have fun.

BUFFY: That was suspicious.

DAWN: You betcha. Bye.

BUFFY: Oh, Dawn--

DAWN: I know! You never know what's coming. The stake is not the power. To Serve Man is a cookbook. I love you. Go away.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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