Angel: I promised his mother. No one is gonna put their hands on this child. No one.
from Dad (Season 3)
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GUNN: What about that ninja guy that attacked us at the hospital?

WESLEY: The vampire cult killed him before he could get to the baby.

FRED: There could be more of them.

CORDELIA: The world is a sick and demented place. You know there are already three websites offering money for the baby?

Fred is adding 'Ninja guys' to the column of known threats.

ANGEL: Fred, help them trace the websites.

FRED: Right.

ANGEL: (to baby) It's good. Try it. You'll like it. Mmmm, so good.

(The baby keeps crying. Fred takes Cordy's place in front of the laptop. Angel picks up a stuffed Teddy and pretends to feed it the bottle.)

ANGEL: See? Ha. Teddy likes it. And I like it, too.

(Angel opens his mouth and shakes some of the milk from the bottle into it.)

ANGEL: See? Mmmm.

(Smiles at the baby, then turns his head away, makes a face and spits. A blue flash lights up the hotel and everyone looks around.)

FRED: What was that?

LRONE: Oh, just listening to those Furies gives me whiplash! Thank god they finally left. My head was about to pop off. Which, granted, not that big a deal.

WESLEY: That flash was their spell kicking in?

LORNE: Yeah, they put a force field over the entire hotel. No one or thing can get in or out.

FRED: So, the baby's safe? We're all safe. Right, Lorne? I-I mean unless one of those killers decides to throw in a fire bomb in at us like they did at your club, which had a similar safety spell around it as I recall. - Sorry.

ANGEL: She's right. He won't be safe here for long.

LORNE: Well, we can get out if we have to. I installed an emergency exit down in the sewers. A-a mystical barrier, opens and closes with a password. (To Fred) Pylean word for hedgehog.

FRED: Oh. - Oh! (laughs)

GUNN: I'm guessing it means something very different in English?

CORDELIA: Well, we'll have to use it. The baby needs to see a doctor.

ANGEL: What? He's not sick! Does he look sick?

CORDELIA: (reading in baby book) No. But he needs his newborn checkup. The baby book says that he's supposed to have a vitamin K shot and a PKU test after he's born. Uh - are you gonna circumcise?

(The baby starts screaming louder.)

GUNN: I think he heard you.

LORNE: Speaking of hearing things - are there any fluorescent lights in here? I keep hearing this hum. Plus, fluorescent - green light, green skin - it's all bad. - I'll take the blank stares as a big fat no.

ANGEL: Gunn?

GUNN: Yeah.

ANGEL: I'm in a war here. I'm gonna need some serious firepower.

GUNN: You mean something beyond swords and spears?

ANGEL: Way beyond.

GUNN: I know some guys. Leave it to me.

ANGEL: Thanks. (To Fred) We get into the websites?

FRED: Not yet. Normally all we would have to do is hack into the e-mail and track the relays but - they're using re-mailers.

ANGEL: Which means?

CORDELIA: Which means there is no direct id, it's going to take a little time...

ANGEL: We don't have a little time. Are those all the names up there on the board?

WESLEY: Working on some other leads. We all want the same thing, Angel. We're doing the best we can.

ANGEL: Do better.

WESLEY: Angel!

ANGEL: I promised his mother. No one is gonna put their hands on this child. No one.

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written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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