Jack to Xander: wanna start something?
from The Zeppo (Season 3)
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XANDER: Hey, Doug, pass me one! (gets ignored) Les-man, I'm open! Les, buddy! (ignored again) Doug, right here, man. Right here. (ignored again) Doug, please! (Dug gives in, throws to Xander) Alright! It's all me! (runs for it, fumbles, it hits Jack O'Toole) Boy, I am *so* sorry. Doug's arm is kinda like spaghetti. (chuckles) We're all so very sad for him. (grins) Is your lunch okay?

Jack: (not amused) What are you, retarded?

XANDER: No! No, I had to take that test when I was seven. A little slow in some stuff, mostly math and spatial relations, but certainly not challenged or anything. Can I get you another soda?

Jack: I oughtta cut your face open.

XANDER: (nervous) Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa... It was an accident. Cool down.

Jack: You wanna be startin' somethin'?

XANDER: What? Starting something? Like that Michael Jackson song, right? That was a lot of fun. 'Too high to get over, yeah, yeah...' Remember that fun song?

Jack: I get my buddies together, we're gonna kick your ass till it's a brand-new shape. Now get outta here.

Doug: Yo, man, the ball!

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written by: Dan Vebber; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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