Woman: I don't appreciate the dental association watching me like that.
from To Shanshu in L.A. (Season 1)
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FIRST OFFICER: (re: Kate) Told you she'd show. She listens to the nut-calls on her scanner.

SECOND OFFICER: Sure she doesn’t pick up the radio waves on her brain chip?

(Kate approaches)

FIRST OFFICER: Detective. According to the report there was a lot of, quote, otherworldly howling and wailing.

SECOND OFFICER: The call said something about something slimy dragging a homeless woman away.

KATE: I heard the call. Stay here.

FIRST OFFICER: Don't you want some backup, detective?

SECOND OFFICER: Or a Ouija board?

(in alley)

WOMAN: See what they do? You turn your back and they come for you.

ANGEL: You're safe now.

WOMAN: Yeah, you killed him. Sliced him up real good. (to Kate) He saved me from one of their spies. And by the way - I don't appreciate the dental association watching me like that. (exit)


KATE: What was it?

ANGEL: It's okay. It won't hurt anyone else.

KATE: What was it?

ANGEL: Slime demon.

KATE: Gee, this town has everything, doesn't it? Demons, fiends, vampires...

ANGEL: Look, I know this hasn't been easy for you. It's okay most people can't handle what's really out here, Kate. Maybe you should think about...

KATE: (laughs) Sorry. It's just someone who's not even a person lecturing me on 'most people,' it's kind of funny. I can handle it fine. And I don't care about most people or what they think of me. What I do care about is ridding this city of your kind.

ANGEL: My kind.

KATE: Your kind. The kind that killed my father. Did you think I would just forget about that? I don't forget anything.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by Cerd_gwenn. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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