Xander: meet someone who's been to an Ascension
from Graduation Part 1 (Season 3)
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WESLEY: Faith is a footnote. Our priority is stopping the Ascension.

XANDER: Easier said than done, monarchy boy.

WESLEY: Xander, if you don't have something constructive to add?

XANDER: You guys want to know about the Ascension? Well meet the only living person who's ever been to one (re Anya)

(cut to later)

ANYA: About eight hundred years ago in the Kastka Vallies above the Urals, there was a sorcerer there who achieved Ascension. Became the embodiment of the demon Lo-Hash. I was there cursing a shepherd who had been unfaithful. (merrily) His wife had wished that all his sheep would lie with...

BUFFY: Can we get back to the chase?

ANYA: Sorry. Lo-Hash was ... It-it decimated the village within hours. Maybe three people got out. I've seen some horrible things in my time. I've been the cause of most of them, actually, but this...

WESLEY: Ahem, I'm sorry, but Lo-Hash was a four-winged soul killer, am I right? (Giles nods.) I was given to understand that they're not that fierce. Of all the demons that we've faced...

ANYA: You've never seen a demon.

BUFFY: Uh, excuse me? Kind of professionally, four years running.

ANYA: All the demons that walk the earth are tainted, are human hybrids like vampires. The Ascension means that a human becomes pure demon. They're different.

GILES: Different?


ANYA: Well, for one thing, they're bigger.

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written by: Joss Whedon; . Full transcript at:
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