Willow: I had to get that thing, the last spell ingredient
from Bargaining (Part 1) (Season 6)
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TARA: Hey. You're late.

WILLOW: Oh. (too casual) I, uh, had to get that thing.

XANDER: Giles isn't around, you can dump the cryptic.

WILLOW: (nervous) The last spell ingredient.

XANDER: Okay, right. What is vino de madre anyway?

WILLOW: Wine of the mother. Kind of ... black market stuff.

TARA: Black market, you-you didn't tell me that. You shouldn't have gone alone, it could have been dangerous.

WILLOW: Sorry. I didn't ... I was careful.

ANYA: Well, it must be something pretty intense. The black market's all baby teeth and spooky fluids.

WILLOW: All I know is we have to have it to finish the spell, so, it's good stuff in my book.

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written by: Marti Noxon & David Fury; Transcribed by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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