Doyle: She's got a very - humanizing influence
from City Of (Season 1)

CORDELIA: Ah! Ohh! Look, over there! A cockroach! In the corner. I'd say it's a bantamweight! Okay, first thing. We need to call an exterminator - and a sign painter. We should have a name on the door!

ANGEL: Okay. I'm confused.

CORDELIA: Well, Doyle filled me in on your little mission. So I was just saying, that if we're going to be helping people out, maybe a small charge. A fee. You know, something to help pay the rent, and my salary. You need someone to organize things, and you're not exactly rolling in it Mr. I-was-alive-for-200-years-and-never-developed-an-investment-portfolio.

ANGEL: You want to charge people?

CORDELIA: Well, not everybody. But sooner or later we are gonna have to help some rich people, right? (to Doyle) Right?

DOYLE: Possibly, yeah.

CORDELIA: Hand me that box. So I figure that we should charge based on a case-by-case analysis, but with me working for a flat fee. I mean, um...that is, if... you think that you can use me? (he smiles, hands her the box) Of course this is just temporary - until my inevitable stardom takes affect. (She walks off)

DOYLE: You made a good choice. She'll provide a connection to the world. She's got a very - humanizing influence.

ANGEL: You think she's a hottie.

DOYLE: Ah, yeah, she's a stiffener alright, I can't lie about that. But, you know, she could use a hand.

ANGEL: True.

DOYLE: You know there's a lot of people in this city need helpin'.

ANGEL: Hmm. So I noticed.

DOYLE: You game?

ANGEL: I'm game.

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written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by ros_fod. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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