Spike to Wood: what's your story, Wood?
from Lies My Parents Told Me (Season 7)
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SPIKE: You live in the garage?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: This is just a work room. Kind of my, uh, sanctuary.

SPIKE: A little place to unwind, eh? A hard day's prinipaling got you down, you need a place to cut loose, let your hair down?so to speak.

(Robin flips on the lights in the shed to reveal that every square inch of the walls inside are covered with wooden crosses. )

SPIKE: What the bloody hell is this?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Well, I told you. It's my, um, sanctuary. It's the hell mouth, Spike. You can never be too careful. Just, um, stay away from the walls, and you'll be all right. (goes to his computer)

SPIKE: It's a bit much, isn't it? (beat) What's your story, Wood?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: No story, really. Just trying to do what's right. Make a difference. How 'bout you? What kind of man are you, Spike?

SPIKE: Sorry. Not much for self reflection.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Yeah, makes sense. See, you strike me as the kind of guy who just careens through life, completely oblivious to the damage he's doing to everyone around him.

SPIKE: That right?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Oh, I know more about you than you think, Spike. See, I've been searching for you for a very, very long time. Ever since you killed my mother.

SPIKE: I've killed a lot of people's mothers.

PRINCIPAL WOOD: Yeah. You'd remember mine. She was a slayer.

SPIKE: So, that's it, innit? Brought me here to kill me?

PRINCIPAL WOOD: No, I don't wanna kill you, Spike. I wanna kill the monster who took my mother away from me. (starts a song playing on the computer)

RECORDED SONG: Early one morning, just as the sun was rising, I hear a young maid sing in the valley below. "Oh, don't deceive me. Oh, never leave me. How could you use a poor maiden so?"

(Spike's trigger flips)

PRINCIPAL WOOD: There he is.

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written by: David Fury and Drew Goddard; originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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