Giles to Ethan: thrashing you is gonna improve my day from A New Man (Season 4) | Next Clip in Episode |
(sits on stone bench, alone)
GILES: Who am I kidding? (muttering) Nothing is gonna happen.
(a little bit away, Ethan starts talking to himself)
Ethan: I wouldn't say that. I wouldn't say that at all. In fact, Ripper, old mate, I'd say something rather interesting was about to hap--
(but Giles overhears him)
GILES: Did someone--?
Ethan: (caught) Oh, bugger! I thought you'd gone!
(cut to commercial and resume)
GILES: Ethan Rayne. You have no idea how much thrashing you is gonna improve my day.
(Ethan tries to bolt past Giles, but Giles clubs him in the gut with the flashlight and Ethan falls forward. Giles jerks him back up and is ready pummel him, raising a fist. Ethan has his hands up to ward off attack.)
Ethan: (scared) No, no, no! Wait! Hang on! You-you can beat the crap out of me. Go ahead, I can't stop you! Or-or you can listen to what I have to say. Find out what's going on.
GILES: What are you talking about?
Ethan: Something bad is happening. Bad for both of us.
GILES: Bad for you.
Ethan: No, no, no! Listen! You have to listen! You're going to need time to prepare!
written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at: