Buffy & Faith making a dream bed
from This Year's Girl (Season 4)
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(Faith and Buffy making a bed. Folding clean sheet.)

BUFFY: They smell good don't they?

FAITH: What?

BUFFY: Clean sheets. Like summer.

FAITH: I wouldn't know.

BUFFY: Right. I forgot.

FAITH: I noticed.

BUFFY: I wish I could stay, but...

FAITH: Oh, you have to go.

BUFFY: That's just that...

FAITH: Little sis coming. I know.

BUFFY: So much to do before she gets here. Now I really have to...

FAITH: So go. Don't let me keep.

Blood drips from Faith onto bed.

FAITH: Damn. Just when we'd made it so nice.

(They look at knife in Faith's gut)

FAITH: Are you ever gonna take this thing out?

(Lingering shot of knife. Buffy rips it out. Faith flinches. Cut to hospital monitors showing heart beat etc. Across to Faith lying in a bed. Still asleep. Lighting strikes.)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
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