Submarine, 1943: Lawson to Spike: They're trying to create an army... out of things like you.
from Why We Fight (Season 5)
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(Spike throws the paper on the table in front of the German)

SPIKE: Right. Let's have it.

ANGEL: Don't have time for this, Spike.

SPIKE: Better hurry it up, then... (transforms into vampire face) before I get peckish.

GERMAN: Dein Kleingeist wuerde unsere Arbeit echt nicht vestehen.

SPIKE: How's that again, mate?

LAWSON: He says you're an idiot.

ANGEL: You speak German.

LAWSON: Enough to get by.

SPIKE: Well, gravy. I'll menace. You talk. (snarls at the German)

LAWSON: Was sind das fuer Papiere? Ich werde ihn nicht aufhalten koennen. Was sind das fuer Papiere?

GERMAN: Nachforschungen.

LAWSON: He says it's research.

SPIKE: What kind?

LAWSON: Was fuer Nachforschungen?

GERMAN: Intra-Gehirn Anregung und Macht ueber Sub-Damonen. Genauer: Vampire.

SPIKE: What about vampires?

LAWSON: I don't know. It's technical. Something about stimulation and... control. They've been experimenting on them... and cutting into their brains.

SPIKE: That what got the Prince's coronet in a twist, isn't it? Found out you were gonna pop our tops and melon-ball us.

LAWSON: They're trying to create an army... out of things like you.

SPIKE: That explains why they nicked us. Cream of the crop. Wanna build an army of vampire slaves, you start at the top—with the generals.

LAWSON: (to the German) It's not enough what you're already doing in the world, is it? Only you and your fuehrer could come up with something this sick.

GERMAN: (laughs) Da sind wir nicht die Einzigen, mein Junge... (to Angel) nicht wahr?

ANGEL: Genug!

SPIKE: 'm I the only one don't speak Kraut?!

LAWSON: (to Angel) You knew about this?

SPIKE: He did?

ANGEL: It was part of the mission.

SPIKE: What mission? Oh. I get it. You're playing both sides against each other.

ANGEL: Spike—

SPIKE: No, I respect that. But if the Yanks are after this stuff, too, I'm eatin' the lot of them.

ANGEL: No, you aren't.

(walks toward Lawson, who pulls his gun)

SPIKE: Try and stop me.

(Angel puts his hand on Spike's chest, holding him back from Lawson)

ANGEL: Spike! We need them, OK? I'm not getting trapped at the bottom of the sea.

SPIKE: And I'm not getting experimented on by his government.

LAWSON: We wouldn't do that. You don't win a war by doing whatever it takes. You win by doing what's right.

SPIKE: Yeah? Let me know how that works out for you, Popeye.

ANGEL: None of this matters. Your people are getting this ship and their men onboard that are still alive. That's all! (re report) Spike... torch it.

SPIKE: Oh, damn skippy. (pulls out a lighter)

GERMAN: Nein! Nein!

(Spike lights the report on fire)

SPIKE: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! (singing) God save the King! Send him victorious, happy and glorious—

(a muffled explosion sound can be heard near the sub)

LAWSON: What was that?

(meanwhile, the fire spreads to Spike's jacket)

SPIKE: Oh, bloody hell!

(tries to put out the fire on his clothes, inadvertently failing to burn the document completely) (another muffled explosion sounds)

SPIKE: Bloody hell!

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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