Angel: Kamal's mission is mine now.
from Judgement (Season 2)
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(Angel in Kamal's room, hears noise, the pregnant Woman comes down the steps.)

ANGEL: You're safe. That's good.

WOMAN: You shouldn't be here. You don't have the right.

ANGEL: Oh, I know. It's - not really my choice, either. Kamal's mission is mine now.

WOMAN: You sound just like him! You guys with your missions, and ancient laws, and medieval codes of honor! Well, I'm not interested. I'm just trying to protect my baby.

ANGEL: I understand.

WOMAN: How could you? I don't even understand it! I mean, six months ago I'm working the register at Costco. I did my time as a stock-girl and I was moving up. I was gonna be able to provide for my baby. Now all I wanna do is make sure she gets born.

ANGEL: Well, I want that too.

WOMAN: Right. Right. Because she's some seer, or leader or Joan of Arc. Well, you know what she is to me? My daughter. Not someone's holy mission.

ANGEL: It's not exactly that - it's - sort of my job.

WOMAN: Your job?

ANGEL: Yeah. Look! I got cards, and - and, an office. Well, the office kind of blew up, but we're working out of this other apartment in Silverlake, temporarily. (Woman takes card) Let me help you. Let me help your daughter.

WOMAN: We need to find the coat of arms. Kamal said I needed to present it to the Tribunal and, and maybe if I do they call this whole thing... What?

ANGEL: It wouldn't be a round bronze talisman. Oh, say, about this big?


ANGEL: Heh. I already found it.

WOMAN: (smiling) Yeah? Where is it? (Her smile fades) What?

ANGEL: Well, I don't exactly have it right here on my person. I though it was best to...I know where it is. I-I can take you there. The address on the back of the card...

WOMAN: Do me a favor? Stop helping!

(She opens the door to reveal a demon. Angel and the demon fight.

ANGEL: Get back! (Between fighting moves) I can kill this thing, right?


ANGEL: You're sure? You don't - think - he might - be good?

WOMAN: Kill it!

(Angel does. We hear more growling beind door.)

ANGEL: I think we should - run.

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written by: David Greenwalt & Joss Whedon; edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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