Anya: they probably haven't had time to eviscerate him yet.
from New Moon Rising (Season 4)
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(Giles' place. )

WILLOW: Tara said they took him right before she found me.

ANYA: So that's good, right? I mean, they probably haven't had time to eviscerate him yet.

XANDER: An, you can help by making this a quiet time.

GILES: Once again we're faced with a fairly daunting prospect of having to infiltrate the Initiative.

XANDER: It'd be great if we knew someone dating a man on the inside. Someone with connections.

(Buffy hangs up phone and comes around to the sofa.)

XANDER: Oh, wait! (Gestures at Buffy)

BUFFY: He's still not answering his pages. I left him another message.

WILLOW: So what do we do?

BUFFY: Well, we need to move fast. So we make a plan without Riley... and hope he calls.

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written by: Marti Noxon; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
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