Marcus: I'm gonna be young, handsome and *strong* forever!
from Carpe Noctem (Season 3)
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(Marcus-In-Angel seduces a girl away from her boyfriend at a club.)

GIRL: (smiling) My boyfriend is probably looking for me right now. He could catch us at any moment! Sort of makes it more exciting doesn't it?

MARCUS-IN-ANGEL: Yeah. (Pulls back from nuzzling her neck and the girl screams at his vamp face) It does.

(Angel leans in and bites her, just as her boyfriend and two other guys walk out onto the balcony behind them.)

BOYFRIEND: Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?

GIRL: He bit me!


(He hauls back to hit Marcus, but Marcus catches his fist in his hand, clamping down on it. The guy groans in pain, then flies back as Angel hits him.)

MARCUS-IN-ANGEL: (impressed at his new strength) Nice!

(fights the guys)

MARCUS-IN-ANGEL: Come on! Bring it on. Is that it? Is that all you got?

BOYFRIEND: What are you on?

MARCUS-IN-ANGEL: Well, you know, I'd say I'm high on life only - I ain't alive - which means - I'm never gonna die. I'm gonna be young, handsome and *strong* forever! (Laughs) There is just one thing I gotta do first!

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written by: Scott Murphy; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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