AI makes plans to steal the Axis of Pythia
from Ground State (Season 4)
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FRED: The Axis of Pythia. Forged from the tripod of the Delphic oracle, the Axis, a metal arch set into a marble base, stands approximately two feet high and weighs 18 pounds.

(Angel hands Gunn a sketch of the Axis that's highly detailed, complete with symbols etched into the metal arch.)

ANGEL: Here. To give you an idea.

GUNN: Wow.

FRED: Is that— You didn't draw that?

ANGEL: Huh? Yeah, I just, you know, scribbled it down out of one of the books.

FRED: Oh. Nice.

(Fred goes back to her flip chart, and flips to the next simplistic drawing. Labeled Mystical Qualities, the chart has a little simple drawing of a ghost, saying Boo.)

FRED: Um, the Axis is said to have been imbued with many mystical qualities, one of which is finding souls or entities across dimensions.

(Angel holds up another sketch from his pad. It's a skillful, detailed drawing of a smiling Cordelia.)

ANGEL: Entities, like...

GUNN: Cordelia.

FRED: Wow. That's just—

GUNN: Oh, hey, baby. I liked your little... your ghost guy.

FRED: I haven't slept, Charles.

GUNN: So, we need the Axis. How do we get it?

FRED: Currently, the Axis is being held in the vault of Chandler's Auction House, an establishment firmly rooted in the black market. Black market means money. Money means security.

ANGEL: But not to worry, 'cause I beat the building plans out of a snitch who thought I was dead.

FRED: The building plans are only half of it. Just because we know where it is, doesn't mean we can get to it.

GUNN: Surveillance cameras. Electric gates.

ANGEL: Laser sensors. Handprint Recognition.

FRED: Not to mention armed guards.

GUNN: Yeah, but if it's an auction house, can't we just, you know, E-Bay it? How much is it?

ANGEL & FRED: 33 million dollars.

GUNN: (choking) I think my lungs (coughs) have coffee. (coughs)

FRED: We're still working on a plan, but so far, it involves being sent to prison and becoming somebody's bitch.

ANGEL: Nobody's going to jail, Fred. I told you, a heist like this, I've done it a million times. (beat) OK, maybe twice, but I'm good at it, I swear.

GUNN: Uh, you're not counting the time we stole the crazy-making death shroud that nearly killed us right?

ANGEL: (blank stare) The point is, this is how we find Cordy, so this is what we're gonna do.

FRED: OK. (grabs rolled up papers from Angel) I'm just gonna take these and go over the details and see if I can, I don't know, whip something up... Say, a plan. OK.

ANGEL: I'm really strong, if that helps.


GUNN: That's my girl. Large and in charge. OK, teensy-weensy and in charge.

ANGEL: It's amazing how she stepped up when I was gone. Kinda reminds me of Cordy.

GUNN: Angel, say we use this Axis thing to find her. What then?

ANGEL: Then, we do whatever it takes to get her back home, where she belongs.

GUNN: OK, so what are we gonna need for Operation Chance In Hell?

ANGEL: Hmm. I can only guess. Probably some repelling hooks. Flashlights, obviously. Aerosols. What else?

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by: CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 24

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