Cordelia: I guess we could probably 'com' without actually 'shucking.'
from Couplet (Season 3)
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(turning to see Cordelia's arrived)

ANGEL: You're here. And...

(he sees Groo standing in front of the weapons cabinet, trying out one of the swords)

ANGEL: ... so is he.

GROO: Angel. Your weapons are most impressive.

ANGEL: Thanks. Thank you.

(he grabs a hold of Cordy's arm, never taking his eyes off Groo)

ANGEL: (sotto) Can you, uh, ask him not to handle my weapons?

CORDELIA: Oh, relax. If there's one thing Groo knows, it's how to handle a weapon. Poor guy. Looks like that's about all he's gonna be handling.

ANGEL: You mean, ah, you two didn't...

CORDELIA: I got him home last night and we started... you know. - But then - I couldn't go through with it.

ANGEL: You couldn't?

CORDELIA: No. Not after seeing that disgusting, spiny thing!

(Angel throws a look at Groo before following Cordy into Wes' office.)

ANGEL: Spiny?

CORDELIA: Right up in my face! That's what the visions are like now. No pain, less artsy, sometimes floaty, though not lately, and very often stinky.

WESLEY: You had a vision?

CORDELIA: Yeah. Big as life last night, while Groo and I were getting reacquainted. Kind of a mood killer, I got to say.

WESLEY: You should have called one of us.

CORDELIA: Oh, please! Like I'm gonna bother you guys in the middle of the night because I want sex and can't have it.

WESLEY: Actually, I meant the vision.

CORDELIA: Oh. That. Well, it's not rising up until sometime later today.

WESLEY: Oh. Why can't you have sex?

CORDELIA: I could lose my 'visionity.'

WESLEY: (mishearing) If you wanna play it that way.

CORDELIA: *Vision*-ity! The visions. When that one hit my last night, it hit me. In Pylea the visions were supposed to pass to Groo if we ever did the royal com-shuck. How do I know that won't happen here?

ANGEL: Good point. You really don't.

WESLEY: But your recent transformation could have changed all that. It might be possible to...

(Angel kicks the side of Wes' desk as he moves his foot.)

ANGEL: Still, you know, better safe than sorry. (To Cordy) You're doing the right thing.

CORDELIA: I know. I know. I can't risk it. It's just - I'm so... (looks over at Groo) And he's such a... Rrrr.. (Turns to smile at Wes and Angel) Don?t you think?

ANGEL: Yeah, sure.

WESLEY: Certainly.

CORDELIA: I mean, there's gotta be other things we can do to relieve the tension!

ANGEL: Jogging could be the thing.

WESLEY: Perhaps some form of paranormal prophylactic...

ANGEL: Because, you know, jogging...

CORDELIA: I guess we could probably 'com' without actually 'shucking.'

ANGEL: Well, I don't know. That could be a slippery slope that once you're on, that you could - slide.

CORDELIA: At least I won't be upsetting the average around here. Nobody in *this* office is ever gonna get any.

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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