Angel: Isn't it a relief? Constant questioning —- it's finally over.
from Shiny Happy People (Season 4)
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FRED: (to commaCordelia) Cordelia, it's me. I'm here. Hello? Remember before the big brain suck and Lorne read you, and it was all scary, headachy pukiness? What if that's all true? Only worse, 'cause we don't even know to fight back, not even Angel. Cordelia, I wish you could—

ANGEL: (entering) I know what you're thinking.

FRED: You do?

ANGEL: Sometimes, when I look in her eyes, I've seen it too. It's overwhelming. The lies, the deceit...just melts away. (smiles) Nothing left but the beauty.

FRED: Um...yeah, it's...incredible.

ANGEL: I can't believe I almost... Seems like a lifetime ago.

FRED: It's all so different from what we expected.

ANGEL: Big, hideous evil trying to end the world? (smiles) Nice to be wrong.

FRED: Yeah, and now that she's here, everything just... seems so easy.

ANGEL: I know. Feels like a dream.

FRED: Mm-hmm. But have you noticed how we all just kinda do what she says, don't ask questions?

ANGEL: Isn't it a relief? Constant questioning—it's finally over.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 14

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