Kendra helps Buffy rescue Angel from Spike & Dru.Plot Highlights:
Kendra & Buffy sort out the 2 slayers thing. Spike fetches Angel from Willy's. Dru has a little pre-game fun with Holy Water. Cordy & Xander, hiding from a meal-wormy Tarakin assasin, go from argument to kissage. Buffy faces another assasin at the Career Fair & Oz gets shot. Buffy lectures Kendra on the importance of emotions. Angel taunts Spike. Buffy & Kendra shake down Willy, he delivers Buffy to Spike. Buffy, w/help from Kendra, saves Angel and drops a church on Spike & Dru. Oz on Animal Crackers. Xander & Cordy argue and then kiss again. Buffy sees Kendra to a cab. Dru, recovered, hauls Spike from the wreckage.
Memorable Moments:
- Dru torturing Angel with Holy Water, bringing up her relatives that Angelus killed before turning her.
- Cordy and Xander going from heated argument to passionate embrace not once but twice.
- Angel trying (and almost succeeding) to goad Spike into killing him by implying that Dru could use a bit of the old Angelus-lovin'.
- Oz slipping a sweet Willow compliment casually into his Animal Cracker monologue so smoothly she doesn't get a chance to get all tongue-tied.
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