<Episode 11: Somnambulist (Angel, the Series)>

Season: Episode 11 of Season 1
Original Air Date: 01/18/2000
Written by: Tim Minear
Directed by: Winrich Kolbe

Kate investigates a serial killer who turns out to be a vampire Angelus sired.

Plot Highlights:

Kate finds another body. Wesley drops by AI. Angel drops by Kate's, learns about her case. Wesley suspects Angel(us). Angel has Wes & Cordy to tie him to the bed overnight. Flahsback: Angel sires & trains Penn. Angel gives Kate inside info. Kate nearly catches Penn, witnesses Angel's supernaturalness. Penn pumps Cordy, Angel taunts Penn with being a hack. Kate reads up on vampires, won't work with Angel. Angel & Wes investigate Penn's lair. Penn kidnaps Kate, Angel intervenes, Kate dusts him but lets Angel live. Cordy reassures Angel.

Memorable Moments:

  • Wesley's pompous and transparant attempts to join AI
  • Cordy's lightening switch from defending Angel as her friend with utmost loyalty to making plans for ending him when he says the killings are his fault.
  • Cordelia tying Angel to the bed (better safe than coctails!)
  • Kate's bitter rejection of Angel when he shows up at her door.
  • Angel taunting Penn about being a cheesy hack.
  • Kate skewering Angel to stake Penn.

Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.buffyworld.com/angel/season1/transcripts/11_tran.shtml
Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and double-checked by me.
(If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.)

There are 18 clips for this episode

The following AKAs appeared in this episode:
The following characters appeared in this episode:
|Angel |Cordelia |Kate |Wesley |

The following Story Arcs where represented in this episode:

NOTES ON EPISODE ART: CREATED 07/2003 ~With all the images of old newspaper clippings in this episode, I thought I'd go for a newsprint sort of look. I had some trouble finding caps that spoke to me of the main players in our little drama, but after some initial frustration, I think in the end it turned out satisfactory, if not thrilling... For texture, I used custom brushes from insomniac brushes. Caps are from buffycaps.be.

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