NOTES ON EPISODE ART: CREATED 03/2002 ~I'll admit it, this one was kinda thrown together. I felt like this collage should be about Riley, seeing as I will always refer to this ep as "that episode where Riley came back". But honestly, the Riley stuff wasn't all that interesting (and let me just say that I'm *not* one of the anti-Riley club, I liked him from the beginning) which I forgive because he's only back for one ep, how much interesting stuff can you do? Anyway, back to the thrown-together collage. So I went with a kind of graphic look, by blending in a sketch-filtered version over the normal version, and than applying a bit of graphic pen filtering, reducing the saturation to near black and white and otherwise playing with the levels. I thought a little grid for the empty areas would be appropriate given the techno-gadget references. And there you have it. But never fear, I do plan on tackling the Spuffy elements of this ep in a different piece; I'm slowly pulling together a new little site for multimedia things that don't fit in this one, hoping to launch in the next couple of weeks. I'll post the URL here when it's ready, and it will surely include the aforementioned B/S piece, plus other goodies. Bet you can't wait ;) Gotta find something to do during that long no-new-episode desert coming up!