Wesley's father comes to visit. Sort of.Plot Highlights:
Wesley's arms deal gets a cyborg party crasher. Angel chews Wes out for allowing Fred to be injured. Eve brings up Connor with Angel again. Wesley apologizes to Fred, ticking her off. Wes' father (Roger) arrives, informs him he's to be evaluated. Roger meets Lorne & Gunn in the lobby, then Spike & Angel in the lab. Wes accidentally activates a self-destruct mechanism, but Roger stops it. Angel, Wes & Fred discuss the accident. Roger fills Fred in on 7-year old Wes' zombie bird hijinks. Roger gives Wes love advice. Spike interrogates Eve. Cyborg ninjas invade W&H. Roger knocks Wes out, steals a magic wand. Wes tortures a half-dead cyborg for info. Spike helps Gunn fight off a cyborg. Roger tells Angel Wes is waiting for him on the roof, ambushes him there using the wand. Wes confronts his father on the roof, & shoots him when he threatens Fred. Roger turns out to be a cyborg copy of Wes' father. Angel & Wes chat in Angel's office. Wes makes a veiled declaration to Fred, but sends her home with Knox. Wes calls home, with the usual results. Memorable Moments:
- Wes being cooler than cool in his negotiation with Emil, and when trouble breaks out, doing his slow-mo action-hero 2-gun dive (leaving Fred to snark "Yes, thank you, Wesley. I'd love a gun.")
- Fred becoming indignant when Wes internalizes Angel's reprimand and tells her he should have done a better job protecting her.
- Wes instantly becoming clumsy, awkward and otherwise flustered as soon as his father appears.
- Wyndam-Price senior's introduction to the other members of the team, Lorne, Gunn, Spike & Angel.
- Wesley accidentally activating the self-destruct mechanism, rushing to get Fred to safety while his father takes care of the problem in the background.
- Embarrassing childhood tales of zombie-bird raising attempts.
- Roger manipulating Wes into place so that he could knock him out and steal the magical whozit from his vault.
- Spike saving Gunn from being choked to death by a cyborg.
- The roof top scene, punctuated of course by the stunning barrage of bullets the split second Roger began to even think about threatening Fred.
- Wes making his feelings about her known to Fred, but giving her the opportunity to not reciprocate.
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