<Episode 83: No Place Like Home>

Season: Episode 5 of Season 5
Original Air Date: 10/24/2000
Written by: Douglas Petrie
Directed by: David Solomon

Buffy has her first run-in with Glory & discovers the truth about Dawn

Plot Highlights:

Magic shop opens, first with too few customers & then with too many. Riley finds out Buffy called him cute & kitteny. Buffy gets trancey. Spike gets caught lurking outside Buffy's house. Glory mops the floor with Buffy. A dying Monk reveals Dawn's secret. Buffy apologizes to Dawn.

Quick Review:

A solid -- if only occassionaly memorable -- episode, No Place Like Home ably fulfills its mission in introducing us to Glory and calming panicky fans about Dawn's sudden appearance. There are a few strong scenes (see below) but mostly this ep is all about set up. And how much you like it depends largely on your tolerance for Glory's personality...

Memorable Moments:

  • Giles trying to be upbeat about the Magic Shop's slow Grand Opening, and then later suffering under the deluge of customers.
  • Dawn obliviously wounding Riley's pride and mortifying Buffy by letting slip that Buffy doesn't want him patrolling and that she finds him even cuter when he's "weak & kitteny"
  • Spike getting caught love-sick chain-smoking outside Buffy's house, and running off after some lame, confused and defensive insults.
  • Buffy apologizing to Dawn; Dawn outlining her baby howler monkey theory and offering Buffy a position as janitor in her Bad Day Club.

Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.studiesinwords.de/83noplacelikehome.html

(If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.)

There are 30 clips for this episode

The following AKAs appeared in this episode:
The following characters appeared in this episode:
|Anya |Ben |Buffy |Darla |Dawn |Giles |Glory |Joyce |Riley |Spike |Willow |Xander |

The following Story Arcs where represented in this episode:

NOTES ON EPISODE ART: CREATED 03/2005 ~new version replaces the original from 2001. I couldn't resist the Buffy-with-glowy-ball image, it just really appeals to me and makes a great anchor point for the composition. I thought about using a closeup shot of Glory, but in the end, since this was Glory's introduction, seemed appropriate to have our first glimpse of her as a distant red-clad figure.

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