<Episode 18: Halloween>

Season: Episode 6 of Season 2
Original Air Date: 10/27/1997
Written by: Carl Ellsworth
Directed by: Bruce Seth Green

Ethan Rayne turns everyone into their Halloween costumes.

Plot Highlights:

Buffy slays in a pumpkin patch. Cordelia keeps Angel company. Snyder 'volunteers' the gang for Halloween duty. Buffy saves Xander from a Larry-pounding. Buffy & Willow snag historical info about Angel from Giles. Buffy spies the perfect dress at Ethan's shop. Spike studies video footage of Buffy fighting. Cordelia complains about Devon to Oz. Buffy tries to convince Willow to wear a sexy Halloween outfit. Ethan's spell takes effect. Flighty Buffy runs away from Angel. Willow & Giles find Ethan. Spike finds Buffy, but just then Giles reverses the spell & she reverts to form. Oz watches Willow cross the street. Angel reveals he thought girls back when were dull.

Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.studiesinwords.de/18halloween.html
Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson
(If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.)

There are 32 clips for this episode

The following AKAs appeared in this episode:
The following characters appeared in this episode:
|Angel |Buffy |Cordelia |Drusilla |Giles |Oz |Snyder |Spike |Willow |Xander |

The following Story Arcs where represented in this episode:

Reptile Boy
Lie to Me

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