Buffy, working as a waitress under an assumed name, foils a demon plot to enslave marginal LA youth.Plot Highlights:
Scooby slayage sans Slayer. Ricky & Lily. First day of school: Oz didn't graduate, Cordelia & Xander's reunion flops & no Buffy. Lily remembers Buffy. Joyce blames Giles. Ricky goes missing, Lily turns to Buffy. Cordelia is bait; Cordelia-vamp-Xander sandwich turns cozy when the vamp dusts. Buffy & Lily visit 'Hell'. Buffy cedes her alias, her job & her apartment to Lily & returns home to her mother.
Quick Review:
Not one of the best season openers, but worth watching for the few truly classic BtVS moments that slip in (see below) between elements of the main story-line. Also interesting to watch in conjunction with Angel the Series' "Blood Money" and "Thin Dead Line", where Chanterelle AKA Lily AKA Anne reappears as the got-it-together manager of a teen shelter.
Memorable Moments:
- Willow's "come & get it Big Boy" & Oz's offering of "this time it's personal"
- Oz's attempts to pass failing-to-graduate off as cute & eccentric (with an option on cool).
- Larry's brief but memorable assertion about Sunnydale football's potential for dominance -- as long as those pesky mysterious deaths don't interfere.
- Joyce blaming Giles
- Buffy's encounter with the nurse as she rifles through her files.
- The Cordelia-n-Xander vamp sandwich dusting and ensuing kiss (complete with swell of cheesy romantic music)
- The "I'm Buffy, the vampire slayer & you are?" scene and subsequent extended fight sequence.
Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.studiesinwords.de/35anne.html Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson (If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.) |
There are 34 clips for this episode |