<Episode 136: First Date>

Season: Episode 14 of Season 7
Original Air Date: 02/11/2003
Written by: Jane Espenson
Directed by: David Grossman

Buffy goes to dinner with Principal Wood; meanwhile Xander has coffee with a new woman.

Plot Highlights:

Giles tells his head-ax story and chastizes Buffy RE Spike's chip. Xander asks a girl out. Wood catches Buffy snooping, asks her out. The First gives Andrew a mission. Anya vents RE Xander's date. Spike gives Buffy his date-blessings. Giles' flashcards. Xander meets Lissa for coffee. Buffy & Wood fight some vamps on the way to the restaurant; over dinner, he reveals that he's a Slayer's son. Andrew wears a wire. Lissa turns out to be a demon. Spike fetches Buffy from her date. Xander is saved. Giles chastizes the group for their hijinks. Spike offers to skip town. The First updates Principal Wood about his mother's killer (Spike).

Memorable Moments:

  • Buffy defending her decision to de-chip Spike to Giles
  • Principal Wood's delicate handling of the tricky situation of asking subordinate staff out on a dinner date.
  • Anya's frank assessment of her mental state at the thought of Xander going on a date with another woman (shrill edge of hysteria!)
  • Giles' flashcards, reminiscent of his "Hush" overhead presentation.
  • Principal Wood's origin story over romantic dinner.
  • Willow & then later Principal Wood laughing about Buffy's supposed counseling skills.
  • Spike's offering to leave town and Buffy telling him she's not ready for him to not be around.
  • The First clueing Principal Wood in as to the identity of the vampire who killed his mother.

Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.buffyworld.com/buffy/season7/transcripts/136_tran.php
Transcribed by: CariCranberry. edited by me.
(If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.)

There are 19 clips for this episode

The following AKAs appeared in this episode:
The following characters appeared in this episode:
|Amanda |Andrew |Anya |Buffy |Dawn |Giles |Kennedy |Principal Wood |Spike |Willow |Xander |

The following Story Arcs where represented in this episode:See Also: