The Trio (Warren, Jonathan & Andrew) subject Buffy to various tests as she sequentially tries out school, construction-work, retail & drinking-with-lowlifes as potential life-style options.Plot Highlights:
Buffy returns with fried chicken from seeing Angel. Warren unveils the Van. Buffy gets confused in Willow's sociology course. Warren speeds time up for Buffy. Hard-hat Buffy joins Xander at his construction site. Andrew sends demons after her. Buffy tries her hand at retail, but Jonathan makes it "Groundhog's Day". Buffy cadges Spike's whiskey. Kitten poker. Jonathan disguises himself as a demon, gets pummelled and runs away. The Trio declares success. Giles cuts Buffy a check. Memorable Moments:
- Buffy in hard-hat and pig tails, slinging girders around like a pro.
- The BtVS version of Groundhog's Day, especially the shot of Buffy staring despairingly at the mummy hand as it snaps salad tongs at her. And since the Dead Parrot sketch is one of my all time favorite Python bits, I'll add: "this mummy hand has ceased to be! It is an EX-mummy hand!"
- Drunk Buffy and Spike, esp. all the times she accuses HIM of being the inebbriated one. The whole "you were gonna beat heads and fix my life" riff.
- Kitten poker with the lowlifes. "What? they're delicious!" (and so darned cute, especially constrasted with the demons!)
- Avuncular Giles coming through with the check, but with obvious concern about Buffy's continued dependance on him.
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