Buffy's tries to help a student (Cassie) who predicts her own death during a counseling session.Plot Highlights:
Funeral home field trip. Buffy the counselor. Xander pitches his hammer analogy to Willow. Willow visits Tara's grave. More Buffy counseling. Cassie announces her imminent death. Buffy tells Principal Wood, sends Dawn on Cassie recon. Cassie turns Mike down, Dawn gets the scoop. The scoobies investigate Cassie. Buffy & Xander interrogate her dad, but Cassie tells them it isn't him. Cassie writes a new poem. Buffy asks Spike for info. Buffy interrogates Mike, then a boy with suspicious coins in his locker. Dawn loses Cassie. Buffy (with unexpected help from Spike) breaks up Peter's sacrafice/demon raising, saves Cassie. But her heart gives out. The Scoobies debrief, Buffy goes on with her counseling. Memorable Moments:
- Millie, um, I mean Amanda, asking for bully-pounding advice from Buffy. This is especially funny if you ever watched Freaks & Geeks and recognize the actress, who looks here pretty much exactly the same as she did in that show.
- Willow visiting Tara's grave
- Cassie's "I don't wanna die" monologue, reminiscent of Buffy's in Prophecy Girl
- Spike's plea that Buffy stay and help him be quiet.
- Cassie's final prophecy that Buffy will make a difference, followed by her sudden death of natural causes.
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