<Episode 2: The Harvest>

Season: Episode 2 of Season 1
Original Air Date: 03/10/1997
Written by: Joss Whedon
Directed by: John T. Kretschmer

Buffy stops the Harvest by defeating Luke.

Plot Highlights:

Buffy saves Xander & Willow, Giles fills them in. Mr Flutie tries to stop Buffy from going after Jesse. Angel does his cryptic wise man act. Xander follows Buffy. Cordelia "delivers" her programming assignment. VampJesse leads Buffy & Xander into a trap; they escape. Willow & Giles research. Joyce grounds Buffy. Luke starts feeding at the Bronze, Buffy stops him. Angel is impressed. Xander stakes Jesse. School as usual the next day.

Memorable Moments:

  • Principal Flutie unsuccessful attempt to prevent Buffy from leaving campus.
  • The exchange between Angel & Buffy just as she's about to enter the tunnels to find Jesse.
  • Willow's telling Cordelia to use the "deliver" key to save her program.
  • Joyce grounding Buffy and scoffing about how everything's life or death with teenagers.
  • Luke telling the Bronzers that there is no cause for alarm.
  • Buffy faking Luke out with an artificial sun-rise.

Transcript Source:
Download from http://www.studiesinwords.de/02harvest.html
Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson
(If the link above doesn't work, try looking here, under multimedia.)

There are 29 clips for this episode

The following AKAs appeared in this episode:
The following characters appeared in this episode:
|Angel |Buffy |Cordelia |Darla |Giles |Harmony |Joyce |Master |Willow |Xander |

The following Story Arcs where represented in this episode:

NOTES ON EPISODE ART: CREATED 05/2003 ~Is there an image that screams "the Harvest" more blatantly than Buffy-in-Blue, letting you know in no uncertain terms with a steely determined stare that she's one badass super-chick? I don't think so. So that's where I started, setting her opposite her adverseries, Luke and the Master. I also wanted to include something showing the beginnings of the Scooby gang, coming together and doing research, so we get the little library group cap. And of I really liked the shot of Buffy sneaking out the window after her mom grounded her, which seems to sum up a lot of the mother-daughter drama to come, so I snuck it in the corner.

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