
Due to rude fans, the transcript section will only consist of interviews I, or other fans have conducted with people connected to the show. Other transcripts will no longer be available.

Musical Interviews

Belly Love

Lisa Black - Belly Love played in the Bronze in the episode, "Anne."

Darling Violetta

Jymm Thomas - Darling Violetta played in the episode, "Faith, Hope & Trick."

The Lassie Foundation

The Lassie Foundation - The entire band answered questions. Their song, "El Rey" played in the episode, "The Prom."

Velvet Chain

Jeff Stacy - Velvet Chain appeared at the Bronze and played two songs in the episode, "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date.


Christopher Golden
Courtesy of Little Willow

20 Questions with Christopher Golden - Little Willow of Little Willow's Slayground asked popular Buffy author Christopher Golden 20 questions.

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