Aim from the heart.

They raced through the streets, twisting and turning their way through tiny alleys, dodging in and out of the shadows. The sounds of pursuit lay far behind and Ethan reached out to grasp his companion’s arm pulling the other man back to a walk as he gasped for breath. Dropping his hand he lowered it to his own knee, bending from the waist as he gulped down much needed air. A slight wheezing caught his attention and he looked up to see Ripper’s tight lipped grin, the laughter that forced its way past the man’s lips was the source of the strange noise and Ethan found himself joining in. Their amusement feeding on itself and in a few moments both men were doubled over, tears pouring down their faces as they gave voice to the hysteria that gripped them.

“Did you see his face?” Giles gasped out. “Stupid bloody pillock’ll be picking up teeth for a month.” His face turned serious, the laughter halting as quickly as it had begun. All traces of amusement were gone in an instant to be replaced by Ripper’s cold, ruthless visage. “Next time I'll rip the bastard’s dick off and shove it down his bleeding throat.” He reached out, gently tracing the already purpling skin of Ethan’s cheek. “Let's go home, get some ice on that.” 

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