Thanks to Slaymesoftly for the quick read through.

Staying in

Rupert stretched; the long languid stretch of the truly sated. There were things he needed to be doing and he knew it was well past the time when he should be up and about, but somehow none of it seemed that important this morning; not so much unimportant as simply less important than being where he was. With a contented sigh he settled back, his head nestled comfortably against the softness of the pillow and his back cradled against the strong firm chest that was so familiar and yet, after so many years, so very novel. He smiled wistfully to himself, blinking away the sudden, unexpected rush of moisture as Ethan's arm snaked around his waist, gathering him closer. The rough scratch of whiskers against his shoulder blade was followed by the soft, soothing press of lips.

"Second thoughts?" Ethan whispered. Despite his best efforts the pain and trepidation in the chaos mage's hushed voice was clear to any who knew him.

"Second chances," Giles responded with quiet awe. Turning in his lover's arms, he reached out to brush his thumb gently along the too sharp line of Ethan's cheek as he studied the face that time and circumstance had hardened. "Not that I deserve..."

"Sometimes it's not about what you deserve, Ripper," Ethan responded, turning his face and pressing a kiss against the older man's palm. "Sometimes it's simply about what should be." The words poured forth unbidden and Ethan closed his eyes, unwilling to see the laughter he was certain he'd find reflected in Ripper's eyes. Cursing himself for a fool, he turned away, glancing at the clock before continuing dryly, "Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?"

"I rather thought I'd call in sick," Giles stated matter-of-factly. "How do you feel about spending the day in?"

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