By the time everyone had gathered at the Magic Box, Buffy was pacing frantically, desperate to be on her way in search of the hideous red demon that had run off with her sister. Spike was sitting quietly on the counter, knowing better than to get in Buffy’s way while she was like this; he offered responses to her randomly voiced questions but was otherwise silent. To an outsider the vampire would have appeared relaxed, the stoic contrast to the Slayer’s ceaseless motion; to anyone who knew him, however, the tenseness of his jaw, the ticking muscle in his cheek, the lean muscular body coiled for action, and the occasional flicker of amber in the deep blue eyes told an entirely different tale. 

As the last of the Scoobies filed into the room, Buffy launched herself into the details of the evening, with Spike filling in what gaps he could. 

“So, there you have it.” Buffy looked at each of them in turn. “Now, how do we find her and bring her back?” 

“From what you’ve described, it appears as though we are talking about a demon with the ability to transfer across dimensions.” Giles reached for a large tome amongst the stack of books currently littering the top of the research table. “There are a few different species with this inherent ability, although they are remarkably rare. Most fascinating, really,” he mused, looking up from the pages he was thumbing through.  The scholarly enthusiasm in his eyes slowly fizzled and then died as he caught his slayer’s irritated gaze.  

“Just tell me how I go after it,” she demanded. 

“What’s this ‘I’ business, pet?” Spike interjected, catching and holding her eye. “I’m going with you. I told you I’d protect her to the end of the world. Way I figure it, that means in this universe or any other… makes no difference to me.” 

“You don’t have to, Spike.” Buffy’s voice was quiet; she was thankful for his offer but was unwilling to drag anyone else into the danger she was bound to be facing in order to reclaim her sister. If she’s even still alive. The thought flashed mercilessly across her mind, only to be banished firmly as she clung to the certainty that whatever this creature had been, it seemed to want Dawn alive—at least for now. All she knew was that she had to hurry; all this standing around talking—when all she wanted was to be catching and kicking some demon butt—was killing her. 

“Yes, I do.” Spike spoke slowly, emphasising each word.   

They stared silently for a moment, two warriors locked once more in battle, until one of them backed down. “Thank you, Spike,” Buffy, capitulated gratefully.  

“You’re welcome, love. But ‘m not doing it for you.” There was no malice in his words, just simple truth.  He would cross universes for the young girl who had won his heart, the girl who reminded him of his long-lost sister; he had been unable to protect her from the cruelties of life, but he was determined that he would not likewise fail Dawn. 

Anya frowned thoughtfully.  She wasn’t sure that she could make them understand the futility of their quest, but felt she at least owed them enough that she should try. “You guys, do you realise what you’re talking about?” All eyes shifted to focus on the ex-demon as she continued. “If you picture the universe and all of its dimensions as a beach, a really big beach, then looking for Dawn would be like looking for a particular grain of sand on that beach. It could take you a millennia, and even then you still might not find her. What you’re suggesting is essentially impossible, even with the aid of something like an Iemlenu amulet.” 

“Well, then, I guess we’ll just have to do the impossible.” Spike turned unwavering blue eyes on the woman at his side, never doubting for a moment that they would be in accord. “Right, pet?”  

Buffy smiled gratefully, allowing herself to take strength from him, from his confidence and determination.  They would find Dawn; of that, she was certain. “Right,” she affirmed. “I mean, it’s not like the impossible is… impossible. We’ve done it before; we can…” 

“What was that you said, Anya?” Giles interrupted, frowning as he tried to recall the details of a distant memory that was tugging urgently at his mind. 

“That finding Dawn would be like looking for a grain of sand…” 

“No, not that. The amulet. You mentioned an amulet.”  


Spike scooped the newly-blessed amulet from the counter and handed it to Buffy, his gaze capturing hers for a moment, conveying silently his support and encouragement. 

Dragging her eyes away from the intensity of his stare she turned to her friends, offering each in turn a bittersweet smile in lieu of the long speeches and tight, clinging embraces that she knew they would have preferred. She didn’t have it in her to offer such comforts, even had they the time. She reached out and took Spike’s hand, her fingers entwining unhesitatingly with his. 

Turning at last to her Watcher, she tried to ignore his suspicion-filled glance at her companion, and at their intricately joined hands.  She tried instead to focus on the love she felt for the man who was more a father to her than her own flesh-and-blood father. “We’ll find her, Giles; we’ll be back in no time. You’ll see.”

Giles swallowed hard, forcing back the tears that threatened at the thought of losing her again so soon after she had been returned to them. “Yes, I have every confidence.  Of course,” he offered, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on his slayer and refusing to allow it to wander to the vampire at her side.

“Will, Tara, do you mind?” Buffy asked quietly.

“Buffy, please, can’t you…” Willow’s pleas were cut off as Tara wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulders. 

“She’s my sister, Will. I have to find her. I can’t not try. Please?” Even as she spoke the words, Buffy didn’t know if her entreaty was for understanding, or for compliance; maybe it was designed to elicit a little of both. 

With a nod, Willow drew herself up, settling her features into a determined mask, grasping Tara’s hand as they spoke the last of the ritual words in unison. A faint glow began to form, and the stone warmed within its setting; as the chanting continued, the glow grew steadily stronger, until the light pouring from the amulet was unbearable to watch.  Just as Buffy began to fear that the stone would crack, that their only chance to find Dawn would be lost forever, the blinding light blinked out, leaving only the faintest trace of its luminosity trapped deeply within the enchanted amber of the Iemlenu amulet. 

Tightening her fingers around the vampire’s, she settled the amulet around her neck; grasping the stone firmly in her free hand, she spoke the words they had both practiced. She looked up in time to mouth a quick “thank you” to her friends before the world was spinning around her a bright, blinding flash, the air thick with the scent of ozone.  Then darkness engulfed her as the world disappeared, the firm, steadying grip of Spike’s hand in hers and a deep penetrating coldness that seemed to settle in her bones the only sensations she could discern. 


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