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Latest news – January 5, 2002
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Episode Summaries

For those of you who are as spoiler-whorish as I am, I am posting complete summaries of what I know about the episodes. I'm making these into links so that those who do not want to be spoiled that much can just pass them by.

Episode 11 Updated 1-7-02 with Dori's Spikefeed!

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Latest Rumors:

Posted by Sweetie on FF on 1-2-02

I come bearing gifts! (aka spoilers) I'm not allowed to say too much, and I'd like to give major credit to AngelX. She was my original source for these spoilers, but I recently got them confirmed from another source, which allows me to post them. AngelX will also have more info for you all on Monday, so you can look forward to that as well. I'll be gone from tomorrow until Sunday, so you won't be hearing from me again til next week.

But anyway, two major things, that I think you will like.

1. Buffy breaks down and confesses to Tara about her "relationship" with Spike at the end of "Dead Things". Tara is very supportive and becomes Buffy's new best friend.

2. After the icky Bronze scene, Buffy and Spike have sex for the first time in a bed - Buffy's bed no less! So look forward to some yummy under-the-covers sex as well in "Dead Things" (and yes, you're counting that right... 3 sex scenes between b/s)

Wish I could say more, but AngelX should have some more details for you on Monday. Enjoy!

Posted by Hercules on AICN on 1-3-02

Jan. 3 Update:

"It just occured to me and I wanted to get some opinions. : What if [Riley] gets married? Think about it. If he comes back unnatural they'll kill him in the same episode and no harm done. But if he comes back *married* he'll send shockwaves through all the scoobs. It'll make Xander and Anya all edgy and jealous cuz they should've been the first scoobs married; Willow'll be all 'I should be with Tara'; Buffy will think it could've been her; and Spike will stress cuz he knows what Buffy's thinking. ****** Oh no. I may have to eat a hotpocket." -- Talkbacker "Naia," 2:22 p.m. New Year's Eve

1) The Cross & Stake revealed Thursday how Riley is transformed in 6.15 (now apparently titled "As You Were"): He's hitched, and Mr. & Mrs. Finn's wedded bliss contrasts the shabbier aspects of Buffy's romance with Spike.

2) Note that we've adjusted the dates of the episodes below. Sources at UPN indicate only three new episodes of "Buffy" will air during February sweeps.

3) Just to clarify the "may or may not" business on episode 6.16: I only meant to indicate that I remained hazy about the exact timing of the BSD (Big Scooby Death), and not about the fact that the BSD is fast approaching. That is to say, I was only guessing that the death could occur in 6.16. (After talking to the scheduling kids at UPN, I'm now guessing - and this is only a guess - that the BSD is earmarked for 6.15.) No waffling intended; I stand by all original spoilers related to this issue.

4) For those who asked: How does Herc define a scoobie? Very liberally: in his fever-addled brain, two scoobies were lost in season two: Jenny and Kendra.

Original Jan. 1 Post:

The holidays always seem to bring out the best spoilers.
Some of this is slightly old, some of it was just posted by the increasingly reliable "Sweetie" over at Fan Forum, and some of it is brand spanking new Coax exclusive. Here we go.

6.11 "Gone." (Jan. 8). The Nerds of Doom accidentally zap Buffy with an invisibility ray.

6.12 "Doublemeat Palace." (Jan. 29). The slayer works the counter at a Hellmouth-adjacent fast-food establishment, and grows suspicious when she learns the restaurant’s slogan is "To Serve Man." (Kidding about the slogan, but not the suspicion.)

6.13 "Dead Things." (Feb. 5) Warren accidentally kills Katrina, the real girl he began seeing last season after he got sick of Aprilbot. He then utilizes a time-shaping "temporal demon" to trick Buffy into thinking she killed Katrina.

6.14 "Older and Far Away." (Feb. 19) It’s Buffy’s birthday, and Dawnie casts a spell trapping everybody inside.

6.15 "As You Were." (Feb. 26) Riley returns from the South American jungles transformed. Coax has learned that he’s not a vampire, and that he survives the episode.

6.16 Title Unknown. May or may not feature the first permanent Scooby death since season two.

Also? Buffy and Spike will soon learn to have sex without automatically segueing into acrimony. "Sweetie" describes a couple "Dead Things" scenes thusly:

Buffy and Spike are both winded after having sex on a rug in Spike's crypt (there's some cute dialogue about the rug). There's cuteness regarding Buffy's feelings about their "relationship". Spike asks her if she likes him and she says "sometimes", then he asks if she likes what he does to her and she doesn't say anything - but he knows. They basically just have a sweet post-sex talk (although when Buffy realizes they're having a post-sex talk, she gets ready to go). There's also talk of decorating each other's rooms and stuff. Major cuteness.
Also, in that scene, Spike holds up handcuffs and asks Buffy if she trusts him. She replies "never" but then later we see her rubbing her wrists that are red and previously hand-cuffed. So yeah, there's cuteness and kinkiness involved, but I don't mind kinky. Plus, it proves that she trusts him which is great.

Posted by AngelX on BC&S on 1-3-02

Dead Things
Ep: 13. Airdate: 2/5/01 (tentative). Writer: Steven S. DeKnight. Director: James A Contner

This will *not* be lighthearted. Mostly dark material (sex/violence) and some scenes that may not make it to air.
NEW! Warren uses another gadget to make his ex-girlfriend Katrina a willing slave to him and his pals, but when the effects wear off and Katrina tries to escape the grasp of the nerdy supervillains, she's accidentally killed. (This is the death of the episode and this is probably the real source of the "rape" rumors. There is no actual rape scene, but indications and accusations of non-consensual behavior.)

NEW! There is a cute post-sex scene between Buffy and Spike where they chat about decorating and their relationship. (I will not be addressing the nature of the other sexual material of this episode on this page due to the potential for removal from the ep and the lack of necessity for raunchy details. Check the spoiler board--check, do not start new threads to ask about it--or e-mail me privately for details if it's a concern for you.)

NEW! With the use of magic and demonic forces, Warren and friends set up Buffy to make her think *she* killed Katrina--and it works.

UPDATED Spike tries to help Buffy after the incident and keep her from confessing to the crime, but his efforts, including voluntarily taking a vicious verbal/physical thrashing from the Slayer, are useless. (Spike's efforts are useless, that doesn't mean Buffy confesses.)

Dawn and Xander waltz together in preparation for Xander's wedding--to Anya. (Jeez, ya silly people. There is no Dawn/Xander romance!)

NEW! Buffy discovers the truth behind her returning back to life "wrong." It's the worst thing she could want it to be.

NEW! After learning about the spell that brought her back, Buffy confesses to Tara the truth about her and Spike and amidst all her confusion and shame, breaks down into tears.

Older and Far Away
Ep: 14. Airdate: 2/19/02 (tentative).

NEW! Buffy's birthday ep. A party gathers at the Summers house with the usual suspects and a few old and new faces as well. Surprisingly, the party itself goes of without much complication, but the next morning is another story.

NEW! Denied necessary attention from her sister and others, Dawn's wish to keep people from going away is answered by a demonic friend who binds the attendees of Buffy's birthday bash to the house. Of course, with a dangerous monster also confined with them.

NEW! Dawn's stealing habits are discovered.

UPDATED Jealousy runs wild as Xander and Anya set Buffy up with a guy at her party and Spike shows up unexpected by Buffy.

NEW! Anya freaks about being locked in the house, but Xander is there to calm and reassure her that everything is okay.

Tara is very much alive at the end of this ep. (She doesn't die in this ep and not before it.)

As You Were
Ep: 15. Airdate: 2/26/02 (tentative).

NEW! Riley returns for an episode. Not dead but of the living...and married. Buffy's own "relationship" with Spike comes into question when her ex's perfect romance shows her just what she doesn't have.

Posted by AngelX on 1-3-02

For young readers and parents, I tried not to be vulgar, but some details are necessary for the explanation. Please be warned. Spoilers and semi-specific talk of sex (and sexual practices) described below.

On the second floor of the Bronze, in the shadows but at the edge of the walkway overlooking the lower floor, Spike approaches from behind and *ahem* takes Buffy from behind as he tells her watch her friends on the floor below. He tells her she no longer belongs in that world, she belongs in the shadows with him. He taunts her about their current activity and makes her feel guilty and bad because they're getting away with what they're doing with her friends so close and if they only knew, what would they think of her? Buffy just stands there and takes it, looking as guilty as she feels.

No one sees, as far as the script is concerned and no one is hurt. But the scene is described thrust for thrust, hot breath for hot breath and although not violent like "Smashed," it should give the final scene of that ep a run for its money if the scene makes it to air.

My issue with the scene has nothing to do with the publicness of the sex or the sex in general. It's the characters' behaviors and reactions. And before the attacks start, it's not that I don't believe the characters are *capable* of these behaviors, there is just no prep for it. My main issue with this episode script is a lack of explanation for the complete 180 some characters go through. Normally, I wouldn't jump to conclusions like this, but I've seen the script for "Doublemeat Palace" which airs before and a quickie against an alley wall doesn't explain to me the character changes of this ep. Scenes go from one thing to another and it seems like fans are just expected to understand the reasoning for dramatic changes in character actions.

In a matter of a few scenes, Buffy has resigned herself to having sex with Spike and it's almost as if she's not even doing it for a reason anymore. Suddenly games of bondage and meaningless sex within eyerange of her friends are just another part of her life. Not that they're *bad* things, just odd in the course of events. With this episode coming in between two happier eps, the characters just don't seem the same. It's Happy Buffy (12), then Depressed, Submissive Buffy (13), then Happy Buffy again (14).

But, I know this could all be seen in a different light when the episode airs so I'm honestly keeping a very open mind and hope everyone else does too. I despise judging episodes before I've seen them and I'm really not trying to. I'm just, if nothing else, concerned by the content of this episode as it is written in the script. I apologize if my earlier comments were taken in the wrong way or if I said things that made people get the wrong impression about this scene. It wasn't my intention to do so. It's impossible to word my spoilers and comments in a way that won't be taken wrong by someone.

Personally, I'm not thrilled with this unexplained change in the characters and I don't like seeing female characters demeaned/abused (and Buffy's not the *only* example of this in this episode) in a sexual fashion. Then again, maybe it's just the Buffy fan in me who knows this show is better than another episode with about half of the content centered on sex and seeing how far the censors can be pushed. The rest, with exception of a few Scooby or sad scenes is just about entirely violence. Including the Bronze scene, there are 4 sex moments/scenes and at least 2 examples of severe violence.

Whatever happens with the ep, I can't say I would recommend it to young viewers. Plot-wise, it a very action-packed episode with lots of big "affect the rest of the season" changes, but still... Whether it be for the sexual content or the violence, I think parents may find it best to screen the episode first before letting younger watchers actually see it.

For mature viewers, I'm not recommending one way or another whether this episode is worth watching. That would be crazy to try and do based on a script. I always *try* to get people to tune into the show, especially by using my spoilers, but considering the nature of the episode, I also consider it important for fans to know what they're getting in the case that they want to know. The episode *is* very important plot wise and I really would recommend that mature viewers watch it. Judge for yourself, don't let my opinions and descriptions scare you off. Just be cautious and know that the ep would be best for a mature audience.

On a personal note, thanks to all who were understanding about my position in this little spoiler situation. Your kind words were appreciated. As for those who didn't appreciate getting just my comments on the scene rather than the actual description... pity. :)

Posted by Clairel on BAR on 1-4-02

Anyway, I have it on good authority that when the Three Geeks enslave Katrina, they were actually trying for Buffy, and for some reason they settle for Katrina instead. (I would speculate that Buffy is just too elusive, or something like that, whereas Katrina is more accessible.)

Also, Jonathan is having some misgivings about what they're doing. He isn't as far gone into villainy as Warren is. (That's something I always suspected. I personally expect Jonathan eventually to turn against Warren and end up on Buffy's side.) I don't know, though, whether it takes Katrina's death for Jonathan to start balking, or whether he balks before that. I would like to think that Jonathan is creeped out by the idea of using a person as a sex slave, but I don't know.

Posted by BB on BC&S Spoiler Board on 1-4-02

I have doubts about this spoiler simply because the source, a friend from another board, has never produced a spoiler before. Therefore treat the following as rumour only.

Riley's return to Sunnydale, as the happily married man, is an incredible shock to Buffy. However a confession from Riley to Xander regarding true love causes Xander to evaluate his impending marriage to Anya when he learns Riley's heart is still set on the slayer.

Posted by Fraz on FF on 1-5-02

Info and pics just came down from UPN

TUESDAY: 02/05/02
TITLE: Dead Things

Synopsis: Our three villains use a new devise to turn Warren’s old girlfriend into a sex slave, but when things go wrong, she accidentally ends up dead. Using demons in a mock fight, they set Buffy up to think she’s responsible for the killing.

Promotional elements: Buffy thinks she’s killed a girl. Our 3 nerd villains are at it again!

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

Well, I have been joking that AngelX has custody of all the spoilers, but it's really true. Our best information on episodes 11 through 14 comes from her site, Buffy Cross & Stake. She confirms the bits and pieces I had been able to pick up in December, though she has not yet been able to confirm--yes or no--the spoiler I reported about the character death. Herc from AICN, however, confirms that as far as he is aware, the character death is still happening.

A few items that are new: Clairel from BAR reports that Jonathan is less than enthusiastic about Warren's plans, which should make long-time Jonathan fans happy. It was hard to imagine that Jane Espenson would allow Jonathan to be turned into a villain. Also, a BC&Ser who admits to a lack of credibility suggests that Riley and Xander talk about "true love," leading Xander to question his relationship with Anya. I have to confess that it sounds credible because as we head into the last part of the season, Xander has not been given much to do, even with his impending marriage. It is about time for him to start questioning his choices if he is to, as some spoilers suggest, run out on his own wedding.

To look forward to this week: Drew Greenberg is a guest on The Succubus Club on Wednesday, January 9. Go to http://www.thesuccubusclub.com for information on how to listen to the show. I will of course be listening and carefully analyzing his ambiguous comments for scraps of spoilage!

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#11 David Fury
Directed by David Fury
Title: Gone

Ep#12 Jane Espenson
Title: Doublemeat Palace

Ep#13 Steve DeKnight
Title: Dead Things

Ep#14 Drew Greenberg
Title: Older and Far Away

Ep#15 Doug Petrie
Directed by Doug Petrie
Title: As You Were Updated 1-5-02

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E-mail me at ww1614@yahoo.com

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