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Dialoghi tra Buffy e Spike in inglese

In questa sezione trovate TUTTI i dialoghi tra Buffy e Spike in lingua originale dal loro primo incontro agli ultimi episodi della sesta serie

Season 2    Season 3    Season 4    Season 5    Season 6

3.8 Lover's walk

A: Spike.
Joyce: Oh, my God. Get out of here.
S: Yeah. You're not invited.
J: He's crazy. He'll kill us.
S: Not while I breathe. Well, actually, I don't breathe.
A: Joyce, listen to me.

J: You get out of this house, or I will stake you myself.
S: You're a very bad man.
A: Joyce, you can't trust him. Invite me in. You touch her, and I'll cut your head off.
S: Yeah? You and what army?
B: That would be me. Angel, why don't you come on in?
J: Oh! Oh, no.


B: You shouldn't have come back, Spike.
S: I do what I please.
J: Okay. I-I'm confused again.
S: Willow!
B: You took Willow.

S: You do me now, you'll never find the little witch.
J: Willow's a witch?
B: And Xander?
S: Him, too.
J: What? Xander's a witch? I...

A: Where are they?

S: Doesn't work like that, peaches. And when did you become all soul-having again? I thought you outgrew that. Your friends's gonna work a little magic for me. She does my spell, I let them both go.
B: You're not famous for keeping your promises, Spike.

S: Well, you and your great poof here wanna tag along, that's fine. But you get in my way, and you kill your friends.

S: Look, I just need a few supplies, and then I'll take you to... Oh, God.

B: What's wrong? Not that I care.
S: Oh... My head. I think I'm sobering up. It's horrible. Oh, God. I wish I was dead.
B: Well, if you close your eyes and wish real hard...
S: Hey! Back off!
A: Buffy, we still need him to find the others.
B: Need him? He's probably just got them locked up in the factory.

S: Well, hey, how thick do you think I am?

B: Fine. Can we just get this other with?

S: Oh, God.
A: Now what?
S: We killed a homeless man on this mench. Me and Dru. Those were good times. You know, he begged for mercy, and you know, that only made her bite harder.
B: I guess you had to be there.


B: Your work?
S: Here's your list.
B: Spike can get the rat's eyes
S: I used to bring her rats. With the morning paper.

B: Great. More moping. That's gonna get her back.
S: The spell's gonna get her back.

A: Lot of trouble for somebody who doesn't even care about you.

S: Shut your gob!
A: She really is just kind of fickle.


S: What do you know? It's your fault, the both of you! She belongs with me. I'm nothing without her.
B: That I'll have to agree with. You're pathetic, you know that? You're not even a loser anymore, you're a shell of a loser.
S: Yeah. You're one to talk.

B: Meaning?
S: The lost time I looked in you two, you were fighting to the death. Now you're back making googly-eyes at each other like nothing happened. Makes me want to heave.

B: I don't know what you're talking about.

S: Oh, yeah. You're just friends.
A: That's right.

S: You're not friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but youìll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood... blood screaming inside you to work its will.

I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it.

B: Okay, Spike, we got the stuff. Where are they?
S: What's your hurry?
B: My hurry is my intense desire to get you out of my life. You tend to cause trouble.
S: I'll be out of your life in a few short hours. No trouble at all.

Lenny: Hello, Spike.

B: No trouble at all.


S: Lenny. How have you been?
L: Better since you left. You should have stayed gone.
S: Is that right?
B: You know, he was just leaving. Don't you start anything.

S: This pissant used to work for me.

B: The guys are in trouble. We can't risk this.

A: Look, I don't think we have a choice.
L: You other two can walk away from this.

S: I die, your chums die.

B: Sorry. We're staying

L: Not for long.


S: Now, that was fun. Oh, don't tell me that wasn't fun. Oh, God. It's been so long since I had a decent spot of violence. Really puts things in perspective. Oh, yeah. You two. Just friends. No danger there.

B: Could we just do the damn spell now?
S: Oh, sod the spell. Your friends are at the factory.

I'm really glad I came here, you know? I've been all wrongheaded about this. Weeping, crawling, blaming everybody else. I want Dru back, I've just gotta be the man I was, the man she loved. I'm gonna do what I shoulda done in the first place I'll find her, wherever she is, tie her up, torture her until she likes me again.

Love's a funny thing.



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