"The One I Waited For"

Author: Michelle
Email: michellabella52478@yahoo.com








Angel fumbled while unlocking the door to his apartment. So many things were coursing through his mind about what Buffy had said to him. She wanted to make love to him, wanted to share her first taste of intimacy with him. He felt so blessed that Buffy loved him that much. Never had he been so honored in his whole life.

He'd asked how she wanted to go about it. This was so new to him and Angel wanted everything to be perfect for Buffy. It had to be an experience she would remember; things had to be on her terms. However she wanted things to go, he would oblige. She wanted it to be in his bed, where she first came to the realization that she was in love with him.

It seemed like forever before he managed to get the door open. He glanced down at the beautiful girl standing next to him with love and complete trust in her green eyes. His whole being -- heart, body and soul -- ached for her touch. And there she stood, offering her very innocence to him. Love poured out of her through that one glance.

Buffy took a step forward to walked through the door, but Angel swept her up in his arms instead. He carried her into the apartment as if she were a bride being carried over the threshold. In both of their minds, they had already pledged their hearts to one another for all eternity, so to Buffy and Angel, this was their honeymoon. The next possible step after the binding of their hearts -- the binding of their bodies.

Angel kicked the door closed with his heel while Buffy draped her arms around his neck, kissing him with a love and passion like she'd never felt for anyone else, reserved only for him. He responded with an equal amount of passion, thrusting his tongue into her open and awaiting mouth. He ran it over her tongue, along the roof of her mouth and over her teeth.

He carried her through the living room, past the kitchen and down the hall to his bedroom. Both were too occupied with kissing each other to bother turning on the light. Not that it mattered, the full moon shone into the room through the open window. Outside, the crickets chirped and owls hooted as the two lovers made love to each other with only their mouths.

Without breaking their loving embrace, Angel gently placed Buffy on her feet again, mere inches from his awaiting bed. His hands became tangled in her long blonde tresses, shining like a halo around her face in the moonlight. Buffy Summers truly was his angel, sent from heaven to show him the true meaning of love.

The kiss lasted until they were dizzy for air. Panting, they stared at each other in silence for a few moments. "Are you sure about this, Buffy? Once we pass this line, there's no going back. I just want to be positive that this is what you really want," Angel asked.

"I've never been more sure of anything. In San Francisco I wasn't ready. But now I am. Make love to me, Angel."

He leaned down to capture her lips again. Her kisses had become an addiction, he was an addict who desperately craved his next taste of the drug her kisses provided. Buffy removed his shirt from his pants, taking her time in unbuttoning it. With each button she undid, she placed a kiss there on his chest. She could feel his heart beating and watched as his chest contracted with every breath he took.

When she unbuttoned the last of the buttons on his blue shirt, she slid it off him, letting it fall into a wrinkled heap on the floor. Angel sucked gently on her earlobe while Buffy decided to do something she'd read about in a romance novel she's read years before. She put her hands on either side of his waist and brought her lips to his nipple. Tenderly, she bit it, then swirled the tip of her tongue around it. Angel moaned in her ear, and Buffy knew she had found a way to bring him the same pleasure she felt when he touched her.

She experimented, using a counter-clockwise motion with her tongue before moving on to his other one. He gave the same reaction as before, only this time he bit down on her earlobe when she bit him. Ending her attention to his nipples, Buffy ran her hands along his muscled chest, wanting to feel his every muscle as they rippled under her fingers. She kissed the hollow of his throat, moving up to place a gentle kiss on his adam's apple before sucking hungrily on his neck. Licking the skin first, she kissed it then licked and sucked again.

Their lips found their way to each other again, their tongues dueling in a heated war for control. Angel caressed her bare arms, lifting them over her head so he could discard her white tank top. They were forced to break their kiss when he lifted the shirt, but they engaged in another steamy kiss as soon as the garment was out of the way. Instead of returning her arms to her sides, Buffy wound them once again around his neck, running her fingers through his short brown hair.

Angel began to fear Buffy thought he wasn't doing anything to make her feel desirable; that he didn't want to make her feel the things she was making him feel. Not wanting Buffy to think she was doing all the work, or so it could be said, Angel slipped his hands along her thin waist, gliding them up and down. Gooseflesh formed when he touched her, but it quickly disappeared as her body heat increased.

Buffy's fingers trembled as she trailed them to the waist of his pants. She focused her attention on trying not to seem nervous and scared at what was inevitably going to happen between them. Unbuckling his belt, she slid it from the loops. Feeling slightly nervous, embarrassed and timid, Buffy unbuttoned his pants, unzipping the fly. She pushed them from his waist, and he stepped out of them, now wearing only his boxer shorts.

"I love you, Angel," Buffy said to him.

He smiled back at her. "I love you, too." Angel glided his hands back to her waist, sliding his fingers under the waistband of her khaki shorts, unbuttoning them with only two of his fingers. He bent down slightly, making it easier for him to take them off of her. Standing up again, he looked into her eyes, then kissed her with all the passion he could muster into one mind-blowing kiss.

Angel brought his arms to her back, finding the clasp of her strapless bra. He struggled for a minute with the clasp, but he eventually unhooked it. The bra dropped to the floor in puddle along with their other clothes. He pressed his palms flat on her shoulders, slowly running down the front of her naked chest.

Buffy moaned in his mouth when his hands reached her breasts. She pressed them harder against his wandering hands, craving more contact. It felt good when he had done it in San Francisco and she wanted more. Only this time she was ready for it. His index fingers brushed her nipples, causing her to jump slightly from the added pressure. Abandoning her breasts, Angel's hands continued to explore. He stroked her strong abdominal muscles, tickling her skin with feather-light touches. He caressed her sides, brushing his thumbs along the undersides of her breasts. She was a goddess, and he wanted to worship her.

Buffy practically ripped the boxer shorts from his body. He did the opposite with her panties, reverently taking them off her. They stood facing each other, naked. Their eyes glazed over their bodies, each taking in the beauty that stood before them.

"You are so beautiful," Angel said to Buffy. "I've never seen anyone so beautiful. You literally take my breath away."

"And I can't believe you're mine; that you want to be with me."

He took her hand in his, placing a kiss on the back of it. Removing his lips, Angel pressed it over his beating heart.

"Do you feel that?"

Buffy nodded. "I do. Your heart is racing."

"It's because of you, Buffy. You do that to me every time you walk in the room. I feel alive because of you."

A tear of happiness fell from her eyes. Angel kissed it away. He then grabbed her around the waist, lifting her so her lips were even with his. Her arms wound around his back, holding him tightly to her as he eased her down on the bed. Lying gently on top of her, he said her name.

"You don't need to ask, Angel. I want to. Please," she told him.

He nodded, feeling the same way. Their lips met again and Buffy pressed his body to hers, skin to skin. She felt his heart beating against her breast, beating for her. She waited to hear the voice in her head that told her she was making a mistake. But she heard nothing. She sighed happily, she knew she was doing the right thing and that she was ready for it.

Slowly, almost reverently, Angel entered her, his hips cradled by her bent knees. He closed his eyes, burying his face in her neck, murmuring words of love and devotion to his beloved. Buffy bit her lip hard and scratched his back, digging her nails into the skin. She whimpered in pain, a single tear falling from her closed eye.

Angel heard her moans of pain, feeling the pinch from her nails in his back. "Are you okay? Do you want to stop?"

She didn't answer right away, pain soon giving way to unspeakable pleasure. "No, don't stop."

He kissed the tear away, staring into her eyes. "If it's hurting you, I'll stop."

"Don't. It doesn't hurt anymore. Just kiss me, Angel."

He did as she requested, pulling out of her body and easing himself back in slowly. Buffy cried out, wanting him to push harder and add to her pleasure. Her hands eased up on his back, running up and down in time with his thrusts. She'd never felt so whole, so complete as she did right then. They were one, as if it was meant to be that way.

Angel felt her pleasure building, his along with it. He thanked God for giving him Buffy's love and for this opportunity to show her how much she means to him. Moving faster, he showed her.

They reached their peaks simultaneously, their hips slamming into one another in midair. They screamed each other's names, clutching the other as if they'd never let go. And neither one did, even as they calmed down from their highs. Angel remained inside her for as long as he could, not wanting to break their connection. When they had to, he rolled off of her, then scooped her into his arms, letting Buffy fall asleep with her head on his chest. With her in his embrace, he fell into a fitful slumber as well.

In the middle of the night, Angel woke up to the sensation of warm lips caressing his neck. Smiling pleasantly, he opened his eyes to find Buffy leaving small kisses over his neck and jaw, her left pointer finger drawing circles on his chest. Noticing that he had awakened, Buffy smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" she asked.

"I am glad you did, don't apologize," replied Angel. "Are you okay?"

She nodded her head. "Everything's perfect."

"You don't have any regrets?" It was the one thing he feared the most: Buffy regretting her decision. He wouldn't be able to take it if she rejected him. Not after what they had shared.

She placed a kiss on his shoulder. "Not one. Do you?"

"I can't regret it, Buffy. This was something I'd only dreamed about. Never, not even in my most realistic dreams, did I imagine that you'd let me make love to you," he said to her.

"Me neither. After what Kevin said to me, I didn't think I would live long enough to experience it."

Angel brought his lips to her forehead. "I am going to see to it that you experience everything you should experience. Everything from making love to getting married, having children and living to be an old lady surrounded by her family."

"Only if you promise to be there."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Buffy's head rested in the crook of his shoulder. "Thank you so much, Angel. Looking back on everything, I don't know why I was so scared. It was amazing. I'm glad you were my first -- my only."

"And I'm glad you were mine."

She raised her head to look at him. "What did you say?"

He gazed at her with utter love and devotion in his chocolate brown eyes. The confusion and questions were apparent in her green ones. "This isn't some kind of line, Buffy. Until a few hours ago, I'd never been with a woman before."

"You've never made love before?" Angel shook his head.

"But I thought...with you being twenty-seven...you'd have been with someone before me. Why did you wait?"

Angel took a breath before beginning his story. "For almost the same reason you did. Not because I was scared, but because I wanted to make sure I was with the right person."


"You, Buffy. Had I never met you, I would never have made love to someone."

"That's beautiful."

"No, it's not," he disagreed. "I didn't want what happened to my mother to happen to some other girl because of me. I couldn't do what my biological father did."

Buffy hugged him to her. "What did he do?"

He looked away, ashamed of the story he was about to tell her. His background wasn't something he was proud of. "My mother was fourteen when she was called to be the Slayer. And to say she didn't take the news too well would be an understatement. It was just before her fifteenth birthday when she was called, and she was distraught. She met up with one of my grandfather's employees. One thing led to another and they had sex. I won't call it making love because no love existed between them. It was a one night stand and I was the result of it. When she found out that she was pregnant, my mother told him about it, but he didn't care, didn't want anything to do with her or me. See, he was young and on his way up the corporate ladder, not to mention married with another baby on the way. Impregnating the boss' daughter certainly wouldn't have helped his status any.

"I didn't learn of this until much later, maybe in my mid-teens. But I decided right then and there that I would never put some poor girl through the same hell my mother endured. I made a conscious decision not to have sex until I met the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Someone I loved with my heart and soul. And I've kept that promise, Buffy. I waited until I found you."

Buffy kissed him on the cheek. "We waited for each other."

She reached her arm across the other side of the bed. It was empty. Buffy squinted in the bright sunlight of the early morning. Her body was exhausted from the night before; muscles she never knew existed ached. But it was a good ache, stemming from the satisfaction of having been one with her soulmate. Groaning, she sat up, looking around the bedroom for Angel.

The realization that she was naked came quickly. Buffy covered herself with the white bed sheet, still feeling modest. She wasn't used to sitting naked in a man's bed, it had never happened, but she was still nervous even after what she and Angel did.

"Angel?" she called.

"Just a minute!" his voice came from the other side of the apartment.

Buffy wondered what he was doing, but didn't have to wonder for too long. He walked in a minute later, wearing his boxer shorts, carrying a tray full of food.

"What did you do?" asked Buffy.

He smiled. "I'm bringing you breakfast in bed."

She laughed. He was so sweet and thoughtful -- everything she had ever wanted in a man. And there he was, standing next to the bed, the morning after making love to her, bringing her a home-cooked breakfast in bed. She knew she was lucky, most girls never got this kind of treatment after giving up their virginity to an older man. But Angel was different from other men. He loved and worshipped her, and wasn't ashamed or afraid to show it.

"You didn't have to do that," Buffy said.

"I wanted to. You must be hungry."

"I am. Food's only part of what I'm hungry for, though," she told him in a seductive tone.

He placed the tray in front of her. "Well, you're going to eat now."

"What did you make?"

"French toast, eggs and bacon. All of which I know you love," he informed her.

She picked up a fork and took a bite out of her french toast. "It's delicious, thank you."

Angel followed in suit. They sat on the bed devouring the breakfast he made for them. Buffy tricked him into leaning over for a kiss and when he did, she shoved a piece of bacon into his mouth. He chuckled, then stuffed a whole piece of french toast into hers. They did this until all the food was gone. Then Buffy allowed him to kiss her for real.

It held the taste of sweetness, not only from the love their shared, but from the syrup they'd poured on the french toast. They licked the remainder of it off each others' lips. It turned passionate the moment their lips touched, her hands around his back, her one hand moving up to brush across his cheek, stubby from the fact he hadn't shaved in twenty-four hours. His hands gripped her waist, which was covered by the thin white sheet.

Buffy ended the kiss by pushing him away. "I think we better get this tray out of the way before it falls and the plates and glasses break," she said.

Angel threw the tray off the bed, shattering the breakfast plates on the hardwood floor. "I'll buy new ones," he told him, forcing his lips on hers.

His forcefulness surprised her for a split second, but she chalked it up to him just wanting to be with her again. She wanted to be with him just as badly, and couldn't wait any longer.

She kissed him back with just as much ferocity. This time wasn't going to be about need and love, this time would be about getting as close as they could to one another; about bringing each other to the highest peaks of passion.

Angel moved the blanket from her left leg, raising her foot off the mattress, bringing his lips to it. He placed small, soothing kisses up to her bent knee. Buffy watched him, feeling the air leave her lungs when he licked behind her knee. She giggled from the sensation of his tongue against the sensitive skin. He pulled her legs toward the foot of the bed, forcing her back to the mattress, looming over her, bringing his hand to where the blanket was knotted. Undoing the knot, Angel pushed the sheet from her body, leaving her naked underneath him.

He started by kissing her forehead, her nose, both cheeks, and then her mouth. But he abandoned them, heading to her neck and throat. Once again, he abandoned them. His mouth found her breasts, placing tender kisses all along the outsides of them before moving his way closer and closer to her nipple. When he found it, he sucked greedily on it. It wasn't something he'd ever tried with a woman, but his old college buddies had assured him years before that it drove women crazy. That's what he wanted to do -- drive Buffy crazy.

It worked. She put her hands on the back of his head, holding his face to her breast. It felt so good, and she felt her heart flutter, her breathing became erratic, and a tingling feeling found its way from the tips of her toes to the pit of her stomach. She'd only felt this way once before: the night before when she and Angel made love. It was an explosion that made every nerve in her body sing with joy, causing her to grab his hair in clumps as she convulsed beneath him.

"Oh god," she moaned when he turned his attention to her other breast. This time he held back, not wanting her to have another orgasm until he could come with her, until he could see her face and share the pleasure with her. He brought his lips to hers again and she held him tightly to her, using her strength to flip him over so she was on top.

"Buffy, what...?"

She pressed her finger over his lips. "I want to touch you now."

Buffy kissed his neck, sucking as greedily on his skin as he had done with her nipples. She took his arm, trailing her lips over his bicep muscles, down to his wrists and fingers. She put each finger in her mouth individually, swirling her tongue around them.

Sitting up, she moved herself to his feet, leaving over him above the waist. Her hands peeled the boxer shorts from his strong body. She threw them across the room. Buffy crawled up him, her breasts barely brushing the skin. On her way up, she slid her hand along his leg, her long nails scraping his erection. Angel purred.

"I've always wanted to do that, you know. Touch a man," she confessed.

He flipped her over, unable to keep himself out of her lithe body. Without prelude, Angel thrust his way inside her. Her hips met him halfway, meeting each powerful thrust with a need all her own. Their joining was fast and furious, thrashing around the bed, the complete opposite of the night before.

Their hips smashed together so hard that a normal person might have had a broken bone. But not Buffy and Angel, with the strength of almost two slayers between them. They continued their furious pace, their hands and mouths exploring each others' bodies. To push him further inside her, Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist. Neither held back when they reached their climaxes, Buffy's third bringing forth Angel's. When their lovemaking was done, Angel spooned her into his embrace, raining kisses on her cheek and running his hands through her hair.

At noon, Buffy decided she'd better get home before her mother started wondering where she was. Crawling out of Angel's embrace, she climbed out of bed. Standing on the floor, careful of the broken dishes that lay there, Buffy surveyed her sleeping lover, the sheets tangled about his waist from their lovemaking. She grinned at the image. He seemed so helpless and so handsome sleeping there with his head resting on one of his fluffy white pillows.

'He's no longer just my boyfriend,' she thought happily. 'He's my lover. I like the way that sounds.' She bent down to pick up her clothes, which were wrinkled from being haphazardly thrown on the floor fourteen hours earlier. Buffy didn't care, she'd learn to live with wrinkled clothes if she could have another night like that with Angel. Dressing herself, she didn't hear Angel wake up.

"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?" he asked, sitting up.

She turned around. "Of course not. I didn't want to wake you right away. You looked like you could use a couple more hours of sleep."

"Well, you did wear me out. But I've lived on less sleep," Angel told her. "Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah. If I don't get home soon, Mom is going to go nuts." She pulled her tank top down, covering her bra-clad chest.

Angel stood up, unashamed of his nakedness. "Let me drive you. I don't want to leave you yet."

She watched as he walked over to her. He's so perfect. And he's as in love with me as I am with him.' "I don't think that's such a good idea. If Mom sees you, she'll know something happened. I don't think I'm ready to fill her in on all the details. I got the mother of all lectures when I told her I almost slept with you in San Francisco, I can only imagine what she'll say when I tell her we finally did it," Buffy explained.

He nodded, understanding her decision. "Alright." They walked to the front door, and once they reached it, Buffy faced him. She kissed him, her arms around his shoulders.

"I should go before we get sidetracked," she told Angel. She opened the door.

Angel shut it again. "Don't leave. Don't ever leave."

"Angel, I have to. Believe me, if I could stay, I would. And besides," she said, opening the door once again, "it's not like you won't see me in three hours for my training session."

"It seems like a lifetime."

She laughed at him. He looked cute when he scrunched up his nose in defeat. "Read a book or watch some TV. I hear the History Channel's doing a special on the Titanic."

"You're real funny, Buffy."

She gave him one last kiss. "That's why you love me. I'll see you in a little while." Buffy left the apartment before Angel could stop her.

She opened the door to her house and closed it silently behind her. Buffy intended to make it up the stairs to her bedroom before her mother saw her. Looking around the kitchen she saw no one. Mrs. Summers was nowhere in sight. Sighing in relief, Buffy walked up to her bedroom.

Stepping inside, she found her mother sitting on her bed with a scowl on her face. Buffy made note of the fact that she didn't look too happy.

"Mom. Hi," she said cautiously. "What are you doing in here?"

Mrs. Summer tapped her foot on the floor impatiently. "Waiting for you, Buffy. Where were you all night?"

"I told you yesterday that I was going to Willow's house after the fireworks. She had a bunch of us over and I spent the night."

"Is that the truth?"

Buffy nodded. "Yeah. Why are you acting like this, Mom? I said I might not be home until late. You didn't wait up, did you?"

"Buffy Anne Summers, I don't appreciate being lied to," her mother said in a harsh tone.

"I'm not lying to you."

Mrs. Summers glared at her daughter. "Is that so? Then explain to me why, when I called Willow this morning, she told me you'd never been to her house yesterday."

"You were checking up on me?" Buffy shouted.

"I was worried. You never came home last night, Buffy. And you never called to let me know. I thought something had happened to you."

"I'm here. I'm standing in front of you, alive, thank you very much. You don't need to worry."

"Oh, I think I do. Tell me where you were." Buffy never got a chance to answer. "No, wait. How about I guess? Let's see, I called Willow, who said you weren't at her house. Mr. Giles hadn't seen you all day, and when I spoke to Xander, he said he'd seen you leave the fireworks display with Angel last night. So, I'm going to wager a guess that you were with Angel all night. Did I guess correctly?" demanded Mrs. Summers.

Buffy nodded slowly. "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me the truth?"

"Because I knew you'd wig out like you just did," Buffy told her.

"I'm upset because you didn't have the decency to tell me the truth about where you were. What was so urgent, so time-consuming that you didn't have the time to pick up a telephone and call me?" she asked.

She lifted her eyes, making eye contact with her mother. "Nothing."

"Why can't you tell me the truth? Why didn't you call?"

"I-It slipped my mind. I'm sorry," Buffy apologized.

"It slipped your mind? What could you possibly have been doing that you'd forget to call me?" When Buffy wouldn't meet her gaze, and the guilty expression on her face, Mrs. Summers knew the real reason. "You had sex with Angel, didn't you, Buffy?" Once again, she didn't give Buffy a chance to answer. "Tell me the truth!"

Buffy raised her head. "Yes, Mom. I had sex with him."

"How could you? Buffy, you're still so young."

"What?" Buffy exclaimed. "Mom, don't ask questions if you can't handle the answers. And what do you mean, 'how could you?'?"

"Just that you're a young girl and --"

"I'm eighteen! Old enough to make my own decisions."

"Did he force you?"

That was the last straw for Buffy. "Why are you turning Angel into the bad guy here? He's not. It was my decision. Did you hear that? Mine! Never in any way has Angel pushed me."

"Honey, I know what you told me two weeks ago. You said you weren't ready for sex. And now you're telling me that last night you decided you're ready?"

"Yes! I wasn't ready then because I wasn't sure if I loved Angel enough to make love to him. But I woke up yesterday morning and knew that I did, and that I was ready. You've always trusted my judgement before, why can't you trust it now?"

"Because before, sex was simply an idea. Now it's a reality. A reality I don't think either of us was prepared for."

"Mom, I'm a big girl. I fight demons and vampires on a nightly basis."

"I'm very aware of that. But can you handle what you're getting yourself into with Angel?" Mrs. Summers wanted to know.

Buffy nodded. "I think so."

"Did he hurt you in any way? Did he do anything that you weren't ready for? Anything that made you feel weird?"

"No, Mom. It was nice."

"I don't think I need to tell you that Angel's older than you and more experienced. He might do something that some other girl liked but you may not."

"Not likely."

"Excuse me?"

Buffy sat down on the bed next to her mother. "We were each others' firsts. Neither of us had ever had sex before."

"Buffy --"

"Don't say it. Angel has never lied to me. He told me why he waited. His mother had a one-night stand and she got pregnant because of it. Angel's father didn't want anything to do with them. When Angel found out, he decided to wait until he found the right girl. Me, Mom, he waited for me. He doesn't want to do what his father did," Buffy explained.

Mrs. Summers sighed. "Okay. There's no reason for Angel to lie to you if he loves you. As for his reasons for waiting, I find them very noble. I like him, honey, you know that. If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't have allowed him to bring you to San Francisco. I honestly hope you are prepared to handle this new...level in your relationship with him." "I am. Very prepared. All the bases are covered, Mom."

She smiled and hugged her daughter. "I'm happy for you, then. If Angel makes you happy, then I'm happy. And I'm glad that I can take comfort in knowing you two are being careful when you are together."

Buffy's smile faded when she realized what her mother was talking about. "Yeah. We're being careful."

Angel stood in front of the weapons cabinet, pulling out the different weapons Buffy would need to train with him and Giles that afternoon. He smiled to himself, remembering last night and that morning. Being so intimate with her made him come alive. Before her, he walked around as if he were a mere shell of a man with nothing and no one to bring him the kind of love he wanted. Then when he met Buffy, he slowly came alive. And making love to her was like a rebirth. Angel's life had begun.

He placed the weapons on the table, looking up when the door opened and Buffy stormed in. He noticed that she looked upset. "Buffy, what's wrong? You look like you've been crying."

She launched herself into his embrace. "Angel, we have a big problem."

"Problem?" he asked. "What kind of a problem, Buffy?"

Buffy removed herself from his embrace. "First of all, my mom found out about last night. When I didn't come home at all, she kind of put two and two together. She figured that we...you know, had sex."

"Oh, Buffy, I'm sorry. I know you wanted to break the news to her yourself."

"Yeah, I did."

"What did she say? Was she upset? No, never mind. If it's too personal, you don't have to tell me."

She shook her head. "Nothing's too personal to tell you. Mom was a little upset at first. I got another lecture from her, this time saying that I'm too young and I have my whole life ahead of me. Then she went into overprotective mother mode and asked if you forced me into sleeping with you. She couldn't believe that two weeks ago I wasn't ready and that last night I was."

"It may take some time for her to process all the information," Angel told her.

"I know that. But she's going to have to accept it. I'm not a little girl who needs her mommy to protect her anymore, and she's not ready to deal with it."

"In her eyes, no matter how old you are you'll always be her little girl."

Buffy gave him a half-smile. "I suppose."

Angel laughed. "See, that wasn't such a big problem."

Her smile disappeared. "That wasn't the big problem, Angel."

"Tell me."

"Mom reminded me of something I promised her when we went to San Francisco. She made me promise that if something happened between us, we'd be careful." Buffy gazed into his eyes. "We weren't careful last night, or this morning for that matter. Neither of us used protection."

He slumped down into a chair. "I didn't even realize..."

Buffy pulled a chair next to him, sitting down. "Neither did I until she mentioned it. Both of us were so caught up in the moment that protection was the last thing on our minds. I know I didn't think about it; all I could think about, all I cared about was just being with you. And now I have this sinking feeling that it's going to come back to haunt us."

"You mean..."

"I could have gotten pregnant one of those times."

Angel put his head in his hands, his palms over his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Buffy. I never wanted this to happen; I never wanted to hurt you."

"Angel, you didn't. Last night was the best night of my life. I wouldn't trade having made love to you for anything in the world. I'm just afraid that my stupidity and carelessness might have gotten us into trouble. If I hadn't been so eager to do it, this wouldn't have happened."

He looked her in the eye. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. The only thing I can think of is to wait and find out if I am pregnant."

"No matter what, Buffy, I'll be here for you. Whatever you decide to do, I'm not going to leave you alone to handle this." He clasped her hands in his. "I want you to know that if you are pregnant and you want to raise our child, we'll be a family. I won't be a coward like my father and walk away. I'll marry you."

Buffy looked down, then back up at him. "You'd do that?"

He nodded. "Yes, I would. I don't want to be like my father. I waited until I found the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. And I want to spend it with you, regardless of whether or not you're pregnant."

She hugged him. "Thank you, Angel. You've almost made me believe everything's going to be okay."

Angel stroked her hair. "It will be, you'll see."

Training ended at four-thirty, and Giles pulled Buffy aside while Angel put away the weapons. "Have you seen your mother? She called me this morning looking for you."

"Yeah, I didn't get home until this afternoon. She told me she called you. Hope you didn't worry."

"I did worry, Buffy. Your mother was afraid something horrible happened to you," Giles said to her.

"Nothing bad happened."

"Where were you?"

"No, offense, Giles, but it's none of your business. If you'll excuse me, I have to get dressed and eat dinner before I patrol tonight." Buffy walked past him and out of the library.

Giles headed for Angel. "Angel, Buffy tells me you were with her all of last night." It was only a guess, but he figured it was the truth. He wanted to find out what was going on.

"Um, yeah, she was," he admitted.

'Now we're getting somewhere,' Giles said to himself. "She also told me what happened." Another shot in the dark. It wasn't like Buffy to keep secrets from him, and he figured Angel knew what was going on.

"She did?"

"Yes. Buffy had to tell me; she couldn't keep it a secret for very long."

Angel sighed. "Look, Giles, you don't have to be worried. I told her I'd be here for her no matter what. If she did end up pregnant, I'll take care of her and the baby."

Giles tried to hide his shock. "Very well. You're taking responsibility for you actions, Angel. That's very noble of you."

"I love her. I wouldn't abandon her."

"I know you wouldn't. I can finish up from here. Go be with Buffy. But don't tell her about our discussion, though. She didn't want me to say anything to you."

"Okay." Angel left the room in search of Buffy.

As soon as he left, Giles went into his office. He picked up the phone and dialed the phone number he had memorized years before. "Hello, this is Rupert Giles. I'm sorry for calling at such a late hour, but it is a matter of extreme urgency. I need to speak to George Smythe, Head of the Watcher's Council."

Buffy tossed and turned throughout the duration of her dream. It was more like a nightmare.

She sat in the hospital bed, holding the tiny baby in her arms. A little girl,' Buffy thought. 'We have a daughter.' Buffy counted out ten fingers and ten toes while the baby slept peacefully in her arms. A button nose and dark brown hair. 'She's so tiny and perfect.'

Buffy looked up from staring at her newborn daughter. Standing in the doorway of the hospital room was Angel. "Hey, you. Come on in and say hello to your daughter," she said.

Angel took a few steps inside, keeping his distance from the bed. "How are you doing?"

"I'm a little sore, but that's to be expected."

"It'll pass."

"What do you think we should name her?" Buffy asked.

He shrugged. "I don't care. Name her whatever you want."

"Angel? What's wrong?"


"Why are you being so cold? Don't you want to hold her?"

"Not particularly. Buffy, I came by to tell you that I don't think we should see each other anymore."

"What? But you said you waited for me. You said you'd stay with me and the baby."

He smirked at her. She's so naive.' "If I were you, Buffy, I wouldn't be so quick to believe everything a man tells you after having sex. I was only in it for the sex. And let me tell you, for your first time out, you were magnificent. My best yet."

"You don't mean that," Buffy said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Actually, I do. It's so cute to see that you thought I was in love with you. You're just a kid, Buffy. I don't want a little girl, I want a woman. But you were fun. Good luck, maybe I'll see you around." Angel turned and walked out of the room.

"Angel!" she screamed.

Buffy opened her eyes. The dream scared the hell out of her. "It was just a dream. Angel would never do that to me," she whispered.

The two vampires walked into their lair, finding their sire waiting for them. "Boss, we have some news." "What is it?" she asked, putting another piece of wood in the fireplace.

"We came across that Slayer tonight. She's here in Sunnydale, you were right."

"Of course I was right, you idiot. What can you tell me about her?"

"She's short. Don't look like much. Blonde hair, maybe five-two. Very strong. Took out Carlisle without even breaking a sweat," one vampire told her.

She raised her eyebrows. "What about her technique?"

"It isn't structured. She's big on improvisation. There's no precise flow to her fighting, no pattern."

"Any weaknesses that you might have noticed?"

"There was a man with her. She was protective of him."

"Her Watcher, no doubt," she wagered.

"I don't think so," the other vampire disagreed. "The Slayer was pretty hot and heavy with him before we attacked. I'm thinking boyfriend."

She smiled. "Good. We'll have to use that to our advantage."

"Are you going to take her out?"

"Not yet. First I want to study her. Then I'll kill her."

The following two and a half weeks were pure torture for Buffy and Angel. They spent a lot of time talking about what they would do if she was pregnant. Angel had told her that he'd stand by her, no matter what her decision regarding the child; that he'd support her and the baby, and marry her if she wanted. Hearing his promises made Buffy feel a little bit better about their situation.

When she told Angel about her dream, the dream where he abandoned her and their baby, he swore that he would never let that happen. Buffy cried in his arms the next day when she described how real it seemed, how she could feel his hatred and rejection when she woke up.

"You just left. You said you made all of it up, said that you were only in it for the sex. God, it felt so real, Angel," Buffy had said to him.

"It wasn't real, it will never be real. I swear," he'd promised her.

On a Saturday night, eighteen days after their night together, Angel agreed to meet Buffy at the Bronze. She had called earlier that afternoon, saying she had something she needed to tell him. His curiosity piqued, he said he'd meet her.

Sitting at a table in the middle of the club, alone, Angel felt more than a little out of place. He seemed like the oldest person there, surrounded by teenagers. So he sat there, watching Oz's band play and the people dancing, sipping his soda, waiting for Buffy to arrive.

Small hands covered his eyes. "Guess who?" Buffy asked.

Angel smiled. "Cordelia?" he guessed jokingly.

"Nope. Guess again."

"Hmm. Willow?"

"Wrong again."

"There's only one other person I can think of, but Jessi's in New York."

Buffy removed her hands. She moved to stand in front of him with an astonished and disappointed look on her face. "Hey!"

"I knew it was you."

"Who's Jessi?"

He shrugged. "An old friend from UCLA."


"I went out with her a few times. She meant nothing to me, at least not as anything more than a friend," Angel said.

Buffy put her hands on her hips. "Should I be jealous?"

He pulled her down onto his lap. "What do you think?"

"I think if you're still thinking about her, I should be a little jealous of this Jessi girl."

Angel placed a kiss on her nose. "And I think you should think about the Fourth of July. Think very hard about that night, and that should answer all of your questions."

"It does."

"So, Buffy, why did you ask me to come here? What's going on?"

"I've got news."

"Good or bad?" Angel knew what the news regarded.

Buffy grinned. "Very good."


She nodded. "I wanted to be one hundred percent sure before I told you. That's why I waited until today, even thought I knew on Tuesday. Angel, I'm not pregnant."

Angel closed his eyes and sighed. It was a load off his mind. "You're positive?"

"Yep. I won't give you all the details, but let's just say that it ended today. No worries."

"I'm so sorry for putting you through that."

"It's okay. I do want to have a baby, but not yet." Buffy put her arms around his neck, leaning her forehead against his. "And now that we know I'm not pregnant, and my period's over, I'm thinking we should stock up on some protection. Like tonight."

He understood what she was implying. "So soon, Buffy? We just got through this pregnancy scare, are you sure you're ready to go through it all over again?"

"There won't be as much of a worry this time, Angel. It'll be a lot safer than before."

"Nothing's an absolute one hundred percent."

"Stop sounding like a commercial, I know all this. I've had the sex lecture and I've taken sex education. Believe me, I know what I'm getting into. And I want to again."

"If you're sure," agreed a reluctant Angel.

"I'm very sure." She stood up, grabbing his hand to guide him up as well. "But first, we dance."

Buffy led Angel to the dance floor as the Dingoes began playing a ballad. She recognized it as the song Oz wrote for Willow as her graduation present. It was a beautiful song about finding your true love and doing everything you can to keep that special person in your life. 'No truer words were ever spoken,' thought Buffy.

Willow, Cordelia and Xander watched the couple on the dance floor. "Check out the lovebirds," Willow said.

"I think they look cute," commented Cordelia.

"Oh, gag me. If they got any closer, they'd be having sex right on the floor," Xander told them.

"They wouldn't do that in public."

"Or in private, for that matter."

"What are you saying?" Xander asked.

Willow looked at them. "Just that if anything had happened between Buffy and Angel, she'd have told me about it. We tell each other everything."

"Will, some things you keep private."

"You think they..."

"Rode the pleasure pony?" Xander said, crudely. "Hell yeah."

Angel stood in front of the shelves, looking over the different boxes. 'How do I know which one to buy? They all look the same to me.' He picked up a box. 'Trojans. These are supposed to be good. Reliable.' Grabbing another box, Angel turned down the aisle. He wasn't paying attention and walked right into a young man.

"Excuse me," apologized Angel. He looked at the young man. "Kevin."

"Hello, Angel. Doing a little late night shopping?" Kevin asked.

"Something like that."

Kevin glanced at the two boxes of condoms Angel held in his hands. "Apparently you're expecting a big night tonight. Hope you're not expecting it with Buffy. She's waiting for Mr. Right," he taunted.

Angel took a step closer to the young man. "She found him."

"You and Buffy? You slept with her?"

"That's none of your business. Kevin, let me give you some advice. If you leave Buffy alone and you leave me alone, your life will be a lot easier. She told me all about what you said when she wouldn't sleep with you. And she told me about how you want her back now. It's not going to happen, boy. Buffy's with me. So just stay out of her life."

Angel brushed past him. He headed for the cashier to pay for his purchase. Without glancing back at Kevin, he left the store and drove back to his apartment, where Buffy was waiting for him. Kevin left the store shortly after. Upon reaching his car, he punched the door.

"God dammit!" he shouted. "She was mine, not yours! Mine! I'll get Buffy back if it's the last thing I do."

"How is the situation in Sunnydale? Has it changed at all from the last time we spoke?" George Smythe asked over the phone.

"Unfortunately, no."

"I know of your fears, Mr. Giles, and I agree with you. All of the information you sent me verifies your claims. I can see where you would be concerned. After discussing your concerns with a small committee of Watchers, we have decided to grant your request."

Giles sighed. "Thank you, Mr. Smythe."

"Separating the Slayer from Mr. Reilly -- Angel -- is best for everyone concerned. If their relationship has become as personal and as intimate as you say, separation is the best idea."

"How long of a separation are we talking, Mr. Smythe?" Giles wanted to know.

"As long as it takes, Mr. Giles."

The ringing of the telephone stirred Angel from his sleep. Buffy lay in his embrace but didn't wake up. He reached over, hoping his movement and the telephone wouldn't rouse her. They'd fallen asleep an hour earlier, after an incredible round of sex that left them both exhausted.

"Hello?" he asked softly and tiredly.

"Is this Angel?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"George P. Smythe of the Watcher's Council of England. I apologize for calling at such a late hour, but I need to speak to you."

"What about?" Angel wanted to know.

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "I'll cut right to the chase, Mr. Reilly. Your presence is required in England at the end of next week."

"Excuse me?" Angel didn't know what was going on.

"Part of your training for becoming a Watcher is that you spend some more time in England studying more about the very things you'll be aiding the Slayer with."

"With all due respect, sir, I'm learning plenty here on the Hellmouth."

"There are tests we have yet to give you, Angel, that you must take. They are only given once every year. All of the arrangements have been made. Your flight leaves this Thursday at eight a.m.," Mr. Smythe informed him.

"I can't leave Sunnydale," Angel argued.

"You can and you will. I shall see you Thursday evening, or possibly Friday afternoon. A car will meet you at the airport. Goodbye, Angel." George Smythe hung up the phone.

Angel replaced the receiver. He sat in silence, thinking about the conversation he'd just had, never hearing Buffy awaken. "Angel? What are you doing awake?"

"The phone rang."

"Who was it?" Buffy asked.

"The Watcher's Council," Angel answered. "George Smythe."

Buffy gazed at him. "Who's he?"

"He's the Head of the Council."

"What did he want?"

"To tell me that I have a bunch of tests to take. I have to be in England by Friday."

"For how long?"

Angel shook his head. "I don't know. He didn't say. Buffy, he didn't make it sound like a quick trip. It sounded like a long time."

Buffy took a swing at Giles, who ducked it, only to be toppled by her floor kick. He landed hard on the tiled floor of the library.

"Are you okay, Giles?" she asked out of concern for her Watcher.

He stared at her from where he fell. "As soon as my back stops throbbing I shall feel much better."

Buffy extended her hand. "Here, let me help you up," she offered.

"Thank you, Buffy."

She looked at the clock. 'Four-thirty. Angel leaves in thirteen hours. Where did this week go? It still seems like yesterday that he got the phone call.' "Hey, Giles, can we call it a day?"

"We still have another half-hour of training left."

"I've got stuff to go today."

Giles nodded his head in understanding. "Ah, yes. Angel leaves in the morning. I suppose you want to spend some time with him before he heads off for England."

"You suppose right."

"Fine, I'll let you leave early, but Monday you're to give me an extra half-hour."

"I promise." Buffy had one more question before she went to change."Giles, what kind of tests does Angel have to take in England?"

"That all depends."

"Well, what kind of tests did you have to go through?"

"That was nearly twenty-five years ago, Buffy. I believe the Watcher's Council has changed their requirements since I have completed them," Giles answered.

Buffy shrugged. "Humor me."

"I had to undergo severe psychological testing to prove that I could handle the job. There I had a slight edge because my parents were Watchers. I knew how things worked, and I knew how to keep myself focused and objective."

"Angel's mom was a Slayer and he was raised by her Watcher, so he shouldn't have a problem with that."

"Perhaps not. But as I said, that was twenty-five years ago. I'm sure the criteria have changed."

"What else?"

"The Council needs to see if Angel is physically fit enough to be a Watcher. Have you ever heard of a stress test?"

She nodded. "Yeah. My dad had to have one last year. Running on a treadmill or something like that."

"It is very much like that, only more extreme."

"How extreme? Will he be hurt?"

"That all depends on how fit he is. If Angel is in good shape and has been exercising every day, he'll come out just fine."

'I can guarantee he's been getting exercise, but I don't think that's the kind of exercise Giles is talking about,' thought Buffy. "Okay."

"There's only two more that I recall with certainty. One is a test that involves knowing the different demon species and being able to identify them. That part is usually simple memorization. The last test I remember is the one for fighting skills."

Buffy waved her hand. "That should be easy for him. We fight together all the time."

"This is different, Buffy. He'll be locked in a room with a vampire, or possibly a lesser demon. Angel will have one weapon with which to kill his opponent. If he makes it out alive, he'll have passed the test."

"I don't like that one. It's dangerous."

"It is. But he has to go through it."

"Angel might die! He can't die, I need him."

"I'm sorry, Buffy, but it is all part of becoming a Watcher."

Her lower lip quivered. "Can't you call the Watcher's Council and tell them that he's needed here in Sunnydale?"

Giles shook his head. "I'm afraid not. He's not needed here at the moment. There aren't any unstoppable demons in town and we have the vampire community under control. We don't need him."

"I need him!" Buffy shouted.

"For what?" he shot back. "Sex?"

Buffy was taken aback by his words. "What?" she asked sharply.

"You think I don't know that you've been...carrying on with Angel behind closed doors? I'm well aware of your pregnancy scare, Buffy. I think this time away from Angel would be most useful."

"You arranged this, didn't you? You called the Council," Buffy accused him.

"Listen to me. Angel has to go through these tests eventually. It is better for him to go through them now while things are quiet. To answer your question, yes, I called the Council. But that was before I knew of your intimate relationship with him," lied Giles.

She exhaled loudly. "Fine. But if I ever find out that you set this up to keep us apart, I'll never forgive you, Giles. Never." Without bothering to say goodbye, Buffy left the room.

"Are you coming to the Bronze tonight?" Willow asked Buffy when she called on the telephone after dinner.

"I doubt it," Buffy said to her best friend.

"Oh, come on, Buffy. You have to come. Xander and Cordy already have plans and I don't want to sit there all alone. The Dingoes are playing tonight. Oz said they're going to be playing their new song. Please," begged Willow.

Buffy felt bad for having to say no. "Sorry, Will, if it were any other night, I'd say yes. But I've already got plans with Angel. He leaves tomorrow morning and I want to be with him as much as possible before he goes," Buffy explained.

"I see."

"We'll do the Bronze thing some other time," she promised.

"Okay. Buffy, can I ask you a question?"


Willow paused before beginning. "This is going to sound really weird, but bear with me. If something had happened between you and Angel, would you have told me?"

"What brought this on?"

"Something Xander said about how some things are private."

"Willow, I'm really sorry. I've been so busy these past few weeks that I didn't tell you what happened. I feel like a complete moron."

"Something did happen?" Willow asked.

"Yeah. I finally decided I was ready. It happened on the fourth. And it was great. I don't want to get into all of it right now, but I'll tell you that now I don't know why I was so scared to do it."

"Buffy, that's great." Willow was happy for her.

She heard the doorbell chime. "He's here. I have to go. But I'll give you all the gory details next time we get together."

"Okay. Tell Angel I hope he has a safe trip."

"Will do. Bye." Buffy hung up the phone and ran downstairs to greet her boyfriend.

Buffy giggled as Angel tied the scarf around the back of her head. "Why are you blindfolding me?" she wanted to know.

"You'll see. Stay right here until I get back. Okay?"

She reluctantly agreed. "Fine. But make it quick, I've got a surprise for you, too."

Angel opened the door to his apartment, then closed it again, leaving Buffy standing in the hallway outside. A few minutes later, he returned. "Give me your hand."

Buffy did so, and he led her inside. "What's going on?"

"Take off the blindfold," Angel instructed.

She took it off. The entire apartment was illuminated by white candles. A single rose in a crystal vase adorned every table, setting the scene for what looked like an elaborate seduction. "Angel, my god. Why did you do this?"

"This is our last night together for I don't know how long. I wanted it to be perfect," he said to her.

"You didn't have to go to all this trouble. One candle would have been fine."

"Not for you."

Buffy reached up to push his face to hers. "It is perfect. Now, if you go wait in your bedroom, I'll go get your going away present."

While Buffy went into the bathroom, Angel entered his bedroom, carefully taking off his shirt and pants, folding them neatly on the chair. This was going to be their last time together for some time, and he didn't want to waste any time.

"I'm ready," Buffy called.

"So am I," he returned.

She walked into the candlelit room, nearly stopping Angel's heart in the process. She stood by the bed, wearing a short, red satin nightie which left very little to the imagination. He could tell with one quick glance that Buffy wore nothing underneath.

"Do you like your present?" she asked with a smile.

"Very much."

She strolled over, pressing herself to him, feeling his obvious arousal. "Why don't we lose the boxers and take it from there."

Buffy bent down to remove the last article of clothing from his body. Once he had stepped out of his shorts, she tilted her head up, licking her lips. She wanted to give him a night he'd never forget. When her mouth was level with his hard member, she placed a kiss on the tip of it. Then she brought her hands to it, moving them up and down the length of him before putting him slowly inside her mouth. She'd learned about this form of sex from another cheesy romance novel she'd read. Buffy wasn't sure if Angel would enjoy it, but the moans of pleasure he gave told her he did.

She continued to take in as much of him as she could. Swirling her tongue around his erection, Buffy brought her head back, then took in more. Angel wondered where she had learned to do that, but he didn't care enough to ask, as long as she kept on doing it.

Buffy stopped short of making him come. "How was that?" she asked.

"Amazing," he answered, breathlessly.

"I've got something else I want to do for you."

"I'm all yours," Angel told her. As far as he was concerned, Buffy could do whatever she wanted. If she wanted to set him on fire and put out the flames with her tongue, he'd gladly let her.

She reached over to the nightstand, pulling out a condom from the drawer. After unwrapping it, she rolled it over his erection, then placed her palms on his chest, forcing him backwards onto the bed. "Sit back a little bit so your legs are on the bed." Angel did as she requested. Buffy crawled on her knees to him, straddling him before wrapping her legs around his waist. Still wearing the satin nightie, she sheathed her body down on his erection.

Angel gave her a few moments to adjust to his size before he brought his hands to her hips, bringing her up and down on him in a steady rhythm. He lowered his lips to her neck, sucking and kissing gently. As their peaks became closer, their hips slammed into each other in a need to fulfill their orgasmic pleasure. Buffy threw her head back and screamed when hers came, followed immediately by Angel's.

Waiting until they had both calmed down, he lifted Buffy from him and lay her gently on the pillows. He ran his hands over the satin of her nightie, feeling every curve along the way. Hard once again, Angel was ready for more of whatever pleasures Buffy would want to give him. Removing his condom and replacing it with another one, he stripped the satin number from her body, taking her once again. As the evening wore on, as well as their lovemaking, the candles dimmed until the apartment became enveloped in darkness.

"I'll miss you," Buffy whispered as they lay sated in his bed.

He caressed her naked breast. "I'll miss you, too."

"It's going to be hard, being away from you for so long," she admitted.

"I know. But I promise to call you every day and write as often as I can," Angel promised.

"Sometimes, I think you're going to forget all about me when you're over there. That you'll find someone else."

"Hey." Angel forced her to look at him. "That'll never happen. I love you, Buffy Summers. There's nothing on God's green earth that'll ever make me forget you. Especially after that going away gift you just gave me."



"Spill it already," demanded Cordelia. "What's this big thing you came over to tell us?"

Cordelia, Buffy and Willow sat around Cordelia's bedroom Friday afternoon. It was the first time Buffy had set foot outside her house since Angel left over twenty-four hours earlier. She'd been miserable and depressed all day Thursday, just wanting to spend the day alone. Angel had promised to call her if he got to London before midnight, but he never called. Buffy assumed he'd gotten there later than anticipated and didn't want to bother her.

"You guys are my best friends and I want to share this with you, just like Willow shared it with me," Buffy began.

Cordelia didn't have a clue as to what her friend was saying. "Share what? Buffy, you're not making any sense."

Willow grinned, knowing exactly what Buffy was talking about. "Tell her."

Buffy took a deep breath. "Okay. Angel and I have been...together."

"That's it? God, that's such old news. You two have been together for months."

"No, Cordy, we've been sleeping together." Buffy was trying to say it without coming right out and saying it.

"Yet again, old news. Remember after Prom? You guys slept together then."

"That's not how I meant it."

Thinking for a couple moments, Cordelia figured it out. "Oh my god, you two are literally sleeping together? Like, as in sex?"

Willow stifled a giggle. "Took you long enough, Cordy."

"God, I feel so dense for not getting it right away. For how long? When was the first time? Was it good? Is he good?" Cordelia was full of questions.

Buffy laughed. "One question at a time. The first time was the Fourth of July. Right after the fireworks display."

"What was it like? Was it what you expected?" asked the brunette. She remembered that her first time with Xander was nothing like she thought it would be.

"It was just like you said, Willow. At first it hurt, like to the point where I almost wanted to stop. I never told Angel that, though, but I think he sensed my discomfort because he asked me if I wanted him to stop. By the time he asked it didn't hurt anymore. After that, it was like nothing I'd ever felt before. The only word I can think of to describe it is amazing," she explained.

"Wow," Cordelia said. "You've definitely got an advantage over us."


"Well, Xander didn't have a clue the first time we slept together. Buffy, you've been with a guy who must be like the walking Kama Sutra."

Buffy raised her eyebrows. "What makes you think that?"

"The man is gorgeous and is a world traveler. And he's twenty-seven," answered Cordelia.


"So? Come on, don't be so naive. He's probably done it so many times that he knows things we've never even dreamed of."

"You think Angel's had a lot of women?" Buffy asked with a smile.

"Hasn't he?"

"No. Neither of us had ever had sex before, Cordelia."

Willow's jaw hit the floor. She'd known that Buffy was a virgin, but not Angel. "What?"

"Angel was a virgin?" exclaimed Cordelia.

Buffy nodded. "Uh-huh. I was too scared before I did it; I wanted to wait until I was ready. Angel, though, he was ready, but he just waited. He didn't want to do what his father did -- get a girl pregnant and then abandon her. So he waited until he found someone he would stick by if he did get her pregnant. Someone he wanted to be with forever."


"Yep. So, Cordy, he's not exactly the walking Kama Sutra, as you put it. That isn't to say it wasn't great, or that he wasn't great. We learn something new, teach each other something new every time we make love."

"Have you tried anything...I don't know, different or adventurous?" Cordelia asked.

"Cordy!" Willow slapped her. "Don't you think that's personal?"

"I want to know."

"It's okay. Did you read last month's Cosmo? The one with the article '20 Ways to Please Your Lover In Bed.'"

Cordelia reached for the pile of magazines on the table next to her bed. Rifling through them, she pulled out the magazine Buffy asked her about. "This one?"

"That's it." Buffy took it from her, found the article and pointed to two of the twenty ways. "These two."

Willow and Cordelia read them. "You did that?"

"Wednesday night. I wanted to pull out all the stops. You know, give him a night he won't forget."

Willow swallowed hard. "I could never do that. I mean, I can't imagine ever doing that with Oz. I'd be too scared to."

"I think Xander would love it, but I won't do it."

"It's not that bad. Don't get me wrong, I was nervous about it, doing such a strange thing. I'd never dreamed of doing it. I wasn't even sure if Angel would like it."

Cordelia shook her head. "You're so lucky. You've got the perfect man. He loves you and thinks the world revolves around you."

"You still can't have him."

"When is he coming home?" Willow wanted to know.

Buffy shrugged. "I don't know. Soon, I hope. He's been gone for one day and I miss him like crazy."

"Have you talked to him yet?"

"No. But he promised to call me every day. He'll call tonight, I know he will."

"I hope you find your accommodations comfortable, Angel," Mr. Smythe said when he showed Angel to his flat in the building the Watchers Council owned. "Everything you can possibly need for the duration of your stay here in London has been brought here."

"Thank you, Mr. Smythe."

The man smiled. "Please call me George."

"Alright. Thank you, George."

"I shall leave you alone to unpack your bags and then to rest. The car will be here precisely at eight in the morning to take you to the Council's official headquarters."

Angel looked around. "Could you tell me where the telephone is? I need to make a call."

Mr. Smythe shook his head. "There is no telephone, Angel. You are not permitted to make phone calls during the duration of your testing."

"I promised my girlfriend I'd call her when I got here. She gets worried easily."

'The Slayer, no doubt.' "I'm very sorry, but no phone calls are allowed. When your testing is completed, then you may call. But until then, you are not to have any outside contact with anyone in Sunnydale."

Angel sighed softly. He needed to call Buffy, he didn't want her to worry. Mostly, though, he needed to hear her voice. He'd left her only twenty-four hours earlier and already it seemed like months. "How long will the testing take?"

"There will be four major tests that you must pass in order to become a full-fledged Watcher. Once you pass them, you will have to remain in London for the meeting and greeting of all our Watchers in the form of parties and social gatherings. On average, about two months," answered Mr. Smythe.

'Two months without seeing or talking to Buffy? No way. I will be back in Sunnydale by the beginning of September,' a determined Angel decided. "Thank you."

"I'll leave you be. Get some rest, Angel. Your testing begins tomorrow."

Mr. Smythe left the apartment and walked down the hall, meeting up with another man while waiting for the elevator. "You are aware of what you have to do, right?" he asked.

The man nodded once. "Yes, sir. I am to monitor his comings and goings."

"Angel Reilly is an intelligent young man. He was not pleased when I informed him that he could not phone his lover back in California. He will try to call her from an outside phone booth, of that I am sure. It is your responsibility to prevent him from making that call. Also, I imagine that he will send her a letter. You are to intercept it and bring said letter to me. It is important that the letter is not sent," explained Mr. Smythe.

"Sir, may I ask a question?"

"You may."

"Why is he not permitted any contact with his lover?" the man asked.

The elevator doors opened. "Because he is here to forget about her. We do not approve of their relationship for many reasons. Just keep him in your sights, Mr. Headly. Let the Council do the rest."

"I don't get it," Buffy said to Willow, Oz, Xander and Cordelia at the Bronze. They had dragged her there for '80s night. "It's been three weeks since he left. Angel hasn't called or written or anything!"

"I'm sure he's just busy, Buffy," Willow reassured her. "Giles told you about the different tests he has to take. He's probably studying. He'll call as soon as he can."

Buffy frowned. "What if he was in an accident? He could be in a hospital somewhere in England, nobody knows who he is and the Council doesn't know to contact me to let me know." Horrible scenarios were going through her mind. They had been for the past three weeks.

"You're overreacting, Buffy," commented Cordelia.

"I don't think so. All I want is for him to call me and say that he loves me and that he's fine."

"Shouldn't that be the other way around?" asked Xander.

She glared at him. "Not now."

"Can't Giles get in touch with the Council?" Oz wanted to know.

"He has," Buffy answered miserably. "Whenever I ask him about Angel, he says he forgot to ask. Truthfully, I think he's lying."

"Do you think Giles had something to do with Angel leaving?"

Buffy shrugged. "I asked him point blank if he did and Giles swears he didn't. But I don't know. He seemed pretty upset about me and Angel being together. But would he actually stoop so low as to call the Council to separate us? I wouldn't put it past him."

Kevin watched the gang from five tables away. It didn't escape his eye that Angel wasn't with them. In fact, he hadn't seen Buffy and the older man together in several weeks. He smiled. 'She looks upset. They probably broke up. Poor Buffy. She's probably distraught that she slept with him and he dumped her. This is the perfect opportunity.' He made his way over to her table.

"Hi, Buffy," Kevin said to her.

She looked at her ex-boyfriend. "Hey, Kevin."

"How are you doing?"

"Okay, I guess. How 'bout you?"

"The same." A slow song blasted through the speakers. "Would you like to dance?" he asked.

Willow knew how depressed her best friend was over not having heard from Angel in weeks. A dance, even it if was with Kevin Matthews, might be just what Buffy needed to get her mind off of things. "Go for it," she whispered.

Buffy gave her a half-smile. "Alright, Kevin."

'Yes! Now's my chance to win Buffy back.' "Great."

Once on the dance floor, he tentatively pulled her into his arms. She gently rested her head on his shoulder, but didn't try to delude herself into believing she was in the arms of the man she loved more than life itself.

I'm alone
Yeah, I don't know if I can face the night
I'm in tears
And the cryin' that I do is for you
I want your love
Let's break the walls between us
Don't make it tough
I'll put away my pride
Enough's enough
I've suffered and I've seen the light

"I love this song," Kevin said.

"Yeah, it's nice. Really pretty," she agreed.

"Almost as much as you."


"The song is almost as pretty as you are. You look lovely tonight, Buffy."

She didn't quite know what to make of Kevin's words to her. It remained in the back of her mind that a month-and-a-half earlier, he wanted her back. "Thank you," she said.

You're my angel
Come and save me tonight
You're my angel
Come and make it alright
You're my angel
Come and save me tonight

Buffy heard him singing the words to the song. She glanced up at him and smiled. She didn't know that he was singing the song to her. She thought it was funny, as well as entertaining, that Kevin was attempting to sing.

Kevin took the smile to believe she wanted him back as much as he wanted her. One single smile was all he needed to gain the confidence to kiss her. So he did.

Don't know what I'm gonna do
About this feeling inside
Yes, it's true
Loneliness took me for a ride
Without your love
I'm nothing but a beggar
What can I do?
I'm sleeping in this bed alone

The kiss took Buffy by surprise; it was the last thing she expected. And it was certainly the last thing she wanted. She'd been kissed by Kevin hundreds of times before, but they never held the passion and love that Angel's kisses did. There was absolutely no comparison between the two. Buffy broke the kiss almost immediately.

"What was that for?" she demanded.

"I thought you wanted me to kiss you," explained Kevin.

"What made you think that?"

He touched her cheek. "You smiled at me."

"That doesn't mean I wanted you to kiss me. I'm with Angel, you know that." Buffy was outraged.

"I want a second chance."

"Did you *not* hear me? Angel and I are together. We have been for two, almost three months."

Kevin looked around. "Then where is loverboy?"

"Angel's been out of town for three weeks, not that it's any of your business."

"Yeah, I was wondering why I haven't seen him around in awhile. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen him since I ran into him at the store. He was really stocking up on condoms that night. So tell me, Buffy, is he any good in bed? Not that I care personally, but I'm betting that I'd be much better. Wanna find out?"

Buffy was livid. "Don't *ever* talk about Angel like that again." To convey her message, she punched him in the stomach as hard as she could.

Clutching his hands to his throbbing stomach, Kevin had one more thing to say. "Then again, he might have been stocking up for his trip. Maybe he found someone else to have some fun with. Bet he's off doing her right now. Where's the fun in screwing a virgin? You're probably the last thing on his mind."

Buffy couldn't even think of a retort to come back with. His words hurt that much. But they struck something inside of her, something she didn't even want to think about. Leaving the Bronze, she thought, 'What if Kevin's right? Did Angel find someone else? Is that why he hasn't called or written to me? What will I do?' With tears running down her cheeks, Buffy ran away from the club.

The vampire stepped out of the shadows. She watched as Buffy ran crying down the street. "Now, what on earth could have made the Slayer cry? Whatever it is, I'm going to find out."

Buffy used Angel's spare key to open the door to his apartment. He'd left her the key so that she could go there when she needed to be alone. Whenever she missed him to the point where she couldn't take it anymore, Buffy stayed there.

She didn't turn on any lights until she reached his bedroom. The candles he's burned the night before he left for England remained on the floor. She didn't have the heart to put them away, their presence reminded her of their last night together. Closing her eyes, Buffy remembered that night.

She went straight for his closet, pulling a black button-down shirt from a hanger. Stripping off her blue dress, Buffy put on the shirt. It smelled like him, and made tears come to her eyes. 'Is he with someone right now? Is he telling her he loves her, just like he told me?' With thoughts of Angel's possible betrayal running through her mind, Buffy cried herself to sleep in his bed.

Mr. Headly walked into George Smythe's office. "I brought you the most recent letter Mr. Reilly sent out." He handed over the white sealed envelope.

"Thank you, Mr. Headly. Is anything out of the ordinary going on with Mr. Reilly?"

"Nothing that I have noticed. He's attempted daily to make a call, but each time I have found a way to stop him."

Mr. Smythe smiled. "Very good. I appreciate the work you've done. After next week, I won't be requiring your services, Mr. Headly."

"Should you be in need of my services in the future, please don't hesitate to call."

"I shall. Good day, sir."

After Mr. Headly left the room, Mr. Smythe used the letter opener to break the seal of the envelope. He read the address written on it. BUFFY SUMMERS. 'The Slayer.' Taking the letter out, he began to read.

Dear Buffy,

These past three weeks have been hell without you. Every day I try to call, but I never seem to be able to. Something always comes up that keeps me from calling. Buffy, you are always on my mind, your face is the first thing I see when I wake up every morning and I hear your voice everywhere. I miss you like crazy. I love you.

My tests will be finished tomorrow. I'll be back home in another week. Home to you. Things will be the way they were before I left. I have a surprise for you when I get back. I know how you hate surprises, but this is one I hope you will love. Until I see you again, remember that you are always in my thoughts.

All my love forever,


Mr. Smythe folded the letter and placed it in the top drawer of his desk just as a young woman entered his office. She sat down on the corner of the oak desk.

"Hello, Daddy," she said.

"Daniella. I'm glad you could make it."

She flashed her father a smile. "Well, you did call me. You said you needed a favor. What do you want?"

"My little girl. Always right to the point," Mr. Smythe said with a grin. "Daniella, I have a job for you."

"What do I have to do, Daddy?"

"Whatever it takes to get Buffy Summers out of Angel Reilly's head. And most importantly, his heart."

"How was your first day of classes, Buffy?" Giles asked the next week. UC Sunnydale began fall classes that day.

Buffy, Willow and Cordelia were attending college there. The three had all applied there and, with the exception of Xander who was taking a semester off, they had attended their first day of classes as college freshmen.

"Good," she answered. She pulled out a sword to train with.

"I think you meant to say fine," Giles corrected.

"Whatever," she sighed. "I'm not an English major, Giles. Don't get on my back about my grammar."

He noted her unpleasantness. Buffy had been irritable ever since Angel left Sunnydale, snapping over the littlest incidents that didn't go her way. Her sarcastic comments were even more biting. Giles knew not to mention calling the Watcher's Council because Buffy would immediately mention Angel.

Giles had suggested to George Smythe that all contact be cut off between the two lovers. He whole-heartedly agreed, and then proceeded to let Giles in on his plan to get Buffy out of Angel's heart. Giles wasn't one hundred percent positive that the plan would work, but he was willing to wait and see how it turned out.

"What exactly are you planning to major in? Don't you think it's important that you decide?"

Buffy shot him an evil glare. "I don't know. Maybe History. Angel will help me with it."

"Buffy, you could barely pass it in high school. College is much more difficult. And I wouldn't exactly count on Angel's help if I were you," Giles said.

"What do you mean by that?" she demanded, twirling the sword in her hand.


Buffy took a step closer to him. "No, you meant something and I want to know what."

"Only that it is possible that Angel may not be returning to Sunnydale."

"Why not?" she asked nervously.

"The Council may decide that his presence is needed elsewhere."

"Where elsewhere?"

"I don't know, Buffy."

"How could he be needed elsewhere? Shouldn't the Hellmouth have two Watchers?" It scared her beyond comprehension that Angel might not return to her.

"The Hellmouth already has a Watcher and a Slayer. There is no need for a second Watcher," Giles told her. She shook her head. "You don't want him to come back."

"It's not that I don't want him to come back, Buffy. Angel is like a son to me. But if the Council decides that he is needed somewhere else, there is nothing either of us can do about it. I don't want to give you false hope. Perhaps it would be in your best interests to move on."

"Never. I will never move on. Giles, I love him, you know that."

"Yes, I do. But if you love something, you sometimes have to let it go."

Buffy didn't want to let Angel go. "I'm not going to let go of Angel. Until he says he doesn't want to be with me, I'll be here for him. With him. Waiting for him."

Mr. Smythe shook Angel's hand. "Congratulations, Angel. You passed all of your tests with flying colors. Never has a Watcher completed them in less than two months."

Angel smiled. The one thing he'd wanted since his childhood was finally his. He was a full-fledged Watcher. And with Buffy part of his life, Angel's dream life became a reality. He had so much to be thankful for.

"Thank you very much, sir."

"It's George, please. I wish I could have congratulated you earlier, but this is the first opportunity I've had."

"It means a lot either way."

"This party is in your honor, Angel. In a few minutes, I'll announce to everyone that you have completed your testing, therefore making you a Watcher in all respects. You are one of us now, son. I am certain that you are aware that as a Watcher, you are required to choose a field of study. Geoffrey Kensington, your mother's Watcher, chose to spend his life researching the territorial legions of demons and vampires in Los Angeles. I opted to study the lineage of master vampires. I'd like to discuss my findings with you someday soon," Mr. Smythe said.

"Thank you. I would really like to hear about it."

"Each Watcher is given a week to decide their field of study."

"I won't be needing a week. I already know what I want to concentrate on," informed Angel.

Mr. Smythe raised his eyebrows. "So soon? What is it, may I ask?"

"The Hellmouth. I want to study the attraction of it to demons. Why they are pulled toward it and the different types of demons that reside there," he said.

"Quite ambitious of you, Angel. I like that. The Hellmouth shall be your area of study."

'Now nothing can come between Buffy and I. We'll be in Sunnydale fighting together,' Angel thought.

Mr. Smythe motioned for Daniella to come over. "You remember my daughter Daniella, right?" he asked Angel.

Angel nodded. "I certainly do. Although it's been two years since we've seen each other."

"Yes, she was leaving for Oxford to finish her final year at the university. She has since graduated and gone on to be a great help to the Council."

"Father, stop it," she said, blushing. "He likes to gush about me."

"He's proud of you," Angel informed her.

Daniella gave Angel a half-smile. "It's embarrassing." She glanced at her father, standing nearby with a few other people. "Congrats on becoming a Watcher. Just think, this party, all these people are here for you."

"Lucky me," he replied half-heartedly.

"You sound like you don't want to be here," she observed.

Angel shrugged. "I suppose I don't. I hardly know these people and I'm not the most social person. Most of the time I'm happiest sitting in my room alone with a good book."

"I know precisely what you mean." She ran a hand through her long auburn hair. "What do you say we leave early and do something fun?"

"I don't know. This is my party..."

"And you just said that you hardly know anyone. We'll leave after the formal announcement. Come on, nobody will miss us."

Angel thought about it for a couple of moments before agreeing. "Alright. What do you have in mind?"

The young woman grinned. "Something very fun. I guarantee it."

Daniella unlocked the door to her apartment. "Won't you come in, Angel?" she invited.


"I just need to change out of this dress. It makes me feel like I'm a young girl playing dress-up. Make yourself at home while I am changing." She walked into her bedroom, heading for her closet.

Her father wanted her to do whatever it took to get Angel to forget about his girlfriend. Daniella didn't see the point in beating around the bush, she decided to go right for the jugular and make her intentions known. She reached inside and pulled out a black nightgown from a padded hanger. 'He seems like the type who likes dark colors. This will be just the ticket,' she said to herself.

Stepping out of her green dress, she hung it up and dressed herself in the black nightgown. She piled her hair seductively on top of her head, then adjusted her makeup in front of the mirror. Deciding she looked perfect, she went back into the front room.

Angel sat on the couch, staring at his hands. He felt uncomfortable being in Daniella's home. All he wanted to do was be at home in his own apartment, vegging on the couch with Buffy in his arms. When Daniella came out of her room and Angel saw her, he had never wanted to be home in Sunnydale more than right then.

"D-Daniella," he stuttered.


"What are you doing? Why are you dressed like that?"

"I told you I was changing. Don't you like my nightgown?" she pouted.

He kept his gaze on her face, not her voluptuous curves. "I don't know what you think is going to happen tonight, Daniella, but you are dead wrong if you expect me to sleep with you."

She slithered over to him, straddling him with her knees. "How about I change your mind?" She pushed his suit coat aside, unbuttoning a few of Angel's shirt buttons and ran her fingers over his chest.

He didn't know what to do, he'd never been in such a position before. His thoughts ran to Buffy and how much he loved her. There was no way he would ever betray her, not even to please the Watcher's Council. Angel pushed Daniella's hands from him.

"Get off me," he ordered.

"Don't be such a prude, Angel. You want it just as much as I do."

He shook his head. "No, you're wrong, Daniella."

She stood up. "Maybe I'm not."

"I have a girlfriend and I love her very much. I won't cheat on her with you."

"Ah yes. Buffy," she said scornfully.

Angel glared at her. "What do you know about Buffy?"

"Only that she's the current Slayer and that you're screwing her."

Anger flared within him. Who was this girl to make comments regarding him and Buffy? "Who did you hear that from?"

"My father." Daniella couldn't see the point in lying to him. She felt bad for him. Everyone was working against him. She didn't want to be one of them. "Everybody knows about you two. Why do you think you are here? Because her Watcher wanted you out of her life. He told my father to find a reason for you to leave Sunnydale and he did. So here you are."

"Where do you fit into all this?" Angel wanted to know.

"Daddy enlisted my help. He wanted me to help you forget about your Buffy. His previous plans didn't seem to be working."

"What plans?"

"I'm not sure. I've heard him mention something about intercepting letters."

Angel got up from the couch and put his coat back on. "Thank you, Daniella, for being so truthful with me. It's nice to know that there is somebody out there willing to tell me the truth." He moved toward the door.

"Angel, I am very sorry for everything. I only did what my father asked me to," Daniella apologized.

"I know."

"Are you in love with this Buffy?"

Angel nodded. "Yes, I am."

Daniella smiled at him. His love for the Slayer was written all over his face. "Then I wish you all the happiness in the world. Good luck, Angel."

Angel didn't bother knocking on the door before entering George Smythe's office the next day. He looked up at the young man who had just entered.

"Angel, hello. What can I do for you?"

"I demand an explanation."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Then let me refresh your memory. Taking my letters to Buffy, telling your daughter to seduce me, keeping me away from telephones. Etc. Does any of this ring a bell for you?" Angel asked.

"We only did what we thought was best for you."

Angel took a deep breath. "We? As in you and Giles?"

"Yes. Angel, I have taken it upon myself to secure you a job on the Hellmouth in Cleveland," Mr. Smythe told him.

"Cleveland? No, my life, my home is in Sunnydale."

"Not anymore. You leave for Cleveland in two days."

Angel pounded his fist on the desk. "No! Everyone I care about, everyone I love is in Sunnydale."

"I'm sorry. You asked to be stationed on the Hellmouth and I arranged for it."

He shook his head in disbelief. "You know, I never thought I'd be forced to choose between the life I've always wanted and the woman I love. I've always wanted to be a Watcher. My whole life, I grew up knowing about what goes bump in the night and wanted to help in the fight against those things. And the Watcher's Council took care of me growing up. But now that I have fallen in love, you think you can tell me that I can't be with her? No, I don't think so. If you force me to choose between the two of you, you may not like my choice."

"Don't do this, son."

"Son? Don't call me that. I'm not your son. The only parent I have ever had is dead," Angel spat.

"We know of your relationship with Buffy Summers. And while I do not believe it's a good idea, I don't want you to waste your talent and intellect. If you want to be with the Slayer, the Watcher's Council will not interfere," Mr. Smythe promised.

"You're serious?" Angel couldn't believe it.

Mr. Smythe nodded. "I am. You are quite an asset to us. We don't want to lose you over a petty difference. Angel, you may return to Sunnydale and study the Hellmouth there. I shall make the arrangements."

Angel sighed with relief. "I appreciate your cooperation."

"I wish you well. We all do."


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