Angel's Secrets

Creative Works   

Kiss the Rain (Part 3)
By Blu

Disclaimer: All rights reserved for Joss Whedon, the WB, Mutant Enemy, etc. I used the characters for my own personal enjoyment and that of others, not for profit. I have nothing, so don't expect much if you decide to sue.

The rights to the song "Kiss the Rain" belong to whoever owns them, and it's not me. I am using the song as my own personal derivation for this story, nothing else. I also only used the lyrics that fitted with my story, so some will be left out. Oh, and the song is inside these *** little things.

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Part 3

******Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you ******

"And it was actually like you were there, is that correct?" Giles' voice spanned the library. It was a tired voice, filled with exasperation.

"Yes, exactly!" Buffy replied. What a way to spend a Saturday morning. Xander had spilled the beans to Giles about Buffy's dreams late last night, and Giles had demanded a meeting. Now here they were, at 8:30 on a Saturday morning, wasting away in the school library.

"Then it would appear that his soul is stuck between the two dimensions. When you were in a deep sleep, your soul connected with his, and it took the appearance of a dream," Giles paced the library floor. The other four teens lounged in various places around the room.

"Kinda like that movie "Ghost"!" Willow added with a giggle. Giles shot a look her direction. "Sorry."

"But you can communicate with Angel's soul?" Giles asked, disbelief written on his face.

Buffy nodded, jumping up from her seat on the wooden table. "It was like I was actually talking to him! I mean, I could actually see Angel saying those things, and his eyes, were Angel's eyes. Sad puppy dog eyes. I really think it was him!"

Giles nodded, taking off his glasses and rubbing his nose. "Then perhaps we can still save his soul. We could possibly have a chance. I have no idea how, though."

Buffy looked away. "Me neither," she said glumly. "I just wish . . ."

"What?" Xander asked from his perch near Willow's computer.

Buffy's mind went to her messed up love life. "Oh, nothing," she said with a sad little smile. "Let's try and find anything that could help us help Angel. Everybody in?"

The group agreed and was soon spread out around the library, busily researching.

******You can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for
I can't help it - there's nothin' I want more
I would fight for you - I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you - yeah I'd die for you
You know it's true
Everything I do - I do it for you******


Buffy was sharpening one of twenty newly carved stakes when she had a thought, no wait, could that be a plan? Yup, it was definitely a plan!


The librarian turned from looking over Oz's shoulder, surprised at the Slayer's cry.

"If Angel's soul is stuck between two dimensions, like you said, could he fight the demon and win, and then get control of his body?"

Giles looked extremely doubtful. "I suppose that would be possible, but he would have to have some very -er- motivational, motivation, so to speak. What did you have in mind?"

Buffy was silent for a moment. "Do we have any idea how many vamps are hiding out with Spike and Druscilla?"

Giles' eyebrows scrunched up. "They have quite a few, I'd imagine. Why?"

"Do you think all of you guys together could handle them?"

"Not with Spike and Druscilla added."

"What if Spike and Druscilla were out of the picture?"

"I think we could probably handle them. What did you have in mind?" Buffy's face grew mysterious. Giles' heart sank to his stomach. "No! Absolutely not! Do you know what would happen if it didn't work?"

"If what didn't work?" Cordelia asked, watching the Watcher/Slayer interaction.

"If Buffy were to let him drink of her blood," Giles murmured, massaging his temples wearily.

"Angel would never let HIM do it. He'd rescue me first," Buffy insisted.

"No! No! No! No way am I helping her if that Thing gets a hold of her!" Xander shouted, jumping up from his chair and waving his arms wildly in the air.

"But you must think of the consequences if it didn't work, Buffy. You're willing to give up your life for Angel?" Giles continued, ignoring Xander's outburst completely.

****** I would give everything I own
Give up my life, my heart, my own
I would give everything I own
Just to have you back again ******

"My life isn't worth living without Angel in it." Buffy wrapped her arms around herself. She looked utterly alone and infinitely sad. "I'd give anything, even my life, to get him back," she said firmly.

The group stared at her. Every one of their faces showed sympathy and slight shock. They had never seen their Slayer like this before.

"We'll go tonight." Buffy's voice was cool and in control. "We'll leave here right before sunset." Buffy turned away from the stares of the people she loved most in the world and closed her eyes tightly. "Let's do some researching."

Four hours later, the team was pretty much all researched out. For one thing, there wasn't much info on a demon ever being overpowered by a human soul. For another, everyone was intensely nervous about going up against the vamps.

Buffy finally decided she couldn't take any more. "I'm going home to get some sleep and prepare for later. I'll meet you guys here later," she lied. "Cordelia and Willow, can you guys both come over in half an hour?"

The two nodded in unison.

. . .

Forty five minutes later, the trio of girls were in Buffy's room. The curtains were drawn and lighted candles graced the dresser, reflecting off the mirror above it.

"Buffy, are you sure this is a good idea?" Willow, always the cautious one, asked worriedly.

"I have to, Will. I need to see him again, before . . . tonight." Buffy lay on her back on the bed, Cordelia at her head. "Let's get started."

Cordy started rubbing Buffy's temples, a slightly nervous look on her face. Buffy tried to consciously relax.

"This isn't working!" Buffy cried out, sitting up quickly.

"Come on, Buffy. Lay back down and relax. You aren't even giving this a chance," Cordy chided with a little push. Buffy did as "Queen C" commanded.

Fifteen minutes later, Buffy felt her muscles begin to relax. Cordy and Willow exchanged wide-eyed glances. Buffy felt blackness engulf her.

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