Angel's Secrets

Creative Works   

Kiss the Rain (Part 4)
By Blu

Disclaimer: All rights reserved for Joss Whedon, the WB, Mutant Enemy, etc. I used the characters for my own personal enjoyment and that of others, not for profit. I have nothing, so don't expect much if you decide to sue.

The rights to the song "Kiss the Rain" belong to whoever owns them, and it's not me. I am using the song as my own personal derivation for this story, nothing else. I also only used the lyrics that fitted with my story, so some will be left out. Oh, and the song is inside these *** little things.

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Part 4

Repetition. Again the same grassy hill, the same people playing afar off, the same sun shining in the sky. But this time Buffy didn't turn immediately to Angel. Instead she sat down to watch the people.

When his shadow fell on her, Buffy craned her neck back and smiled into Angel's face. He returned it, then settled into a crouch behind her. Angel placed his hands on her shoulders and began a gentle massage. Buffy felt her heart speed up.

"Ooh, that feels good," she half-sighed, half-said.

Angel laughed quietly. He continued his massage. "What have you been up to today?" he asked lightly.

"Nothing important," Buffy lied. She jumped when Angel found a sore spot in her neck.

"I thought the Slayer was supposed to heal fast," he teased. Buffy could hear an unusually good mood in his voice.

"Sore muscles don't fit into the 'healing' category I guess. You're very happy, today," commented Buffy, making a quick jump to another topic.

"Mmm. Just a happy day," Angel replied, his hands stilling. He stood and pulled Buffy up to face him. He looked into her eyes, and smiled a bittersweet smile. "I know what you're planning, Buffy." Angel's eyes darkened. "And I don't like it."

Buffy looked away from his searching eyes and over Angel's shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't," she sighed.

"But I know that won't stop you."

Buffy's eyes returned to Angel's. His held love. She smiled. "You'll come for me?"

Angel smiled slightly. "What other choice do I have?"

******When you're feeling lost in the night
When you feel your world just seem tight
Call on me I will be waiting
Count on me I will be there
Anytime the times get too tough
Anytime your best ain't enough
I'll be the one to make it better
I'll be there to protect you
See you through
I'll be there and there is nothing I won't do******

"You could not come," Buffy said seriously, a frown showing itself on her face.

Angel rolled his eyes. "And the moon could come crashing down on the earth, too."

******For you I will lay my life on the line
For you I will fight, for you I will die
With every breath, with all my soul
I'll give my world, I'll give it all
Put your faith in me, and I'll do anything******

Buffy giggled. Angel became serious once again.

"What if I can't get control?" he asked, turning away from Buffy, shutting her out.

"Then I'll get to be with you in a different way," Buffy answered quickly. Buffy placed her hands on his shoulders and massaged them.

Angel turned to her with frustration in his eyes. "But what about your duties?"

Buffy looked down briefly, then raised her gaze to Angel's. "You are more important to me than my duties."

"I shouldn't be. You've saved the world more than once, Buffy. That isn't exactly something you can ignore."

Buffy touched his cheek. "Someone else will take over, should anything happen. But nothing will happen."

Angel looked away. "I wish I could believe you. But I can't. What if I . . ."

Buffy silenced him with a kiss. When she pulled away, she smiled sweetly up at him. Angel half-smiled and tapped her nose lightly with his forefinger.

"You're too good for me," he whispered, brown eyes clouding again.

Buffy shook her head, tears springing to her eyes. "No," she protested. "Never!" She still smiled up at him.

"You have to go now," Angel said with a grin. Buffy hugged him close.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Angel looked surprised. "For being you." Buffy slowly slipped away without a word. Angel kissed her forehead.

. . .

And then she was back in her room, Cordy and Willow watching her. Buffy sat up, wiping the tears from her face. Willow looked close to tears herself, and Cordy was suspiciously without mascara. Buffy smiled at them both.

They agreed to meet at the library at sunset and the girls parted company.

. . .

It was ten minutes before sunset and Buffy paced the alleyway outside Spike and Druscilla's warehouse-building. She hadn't met the others at the library like she had said, not wanting to put them in harm's way. She figured it would take them at least fifteen minutes while they waited for her, and ten or more after that to decide to come after her.

Gotta get this over with quick. Buffy told herself. She almost believed she could do it without her friends beside her. Almost.

A car horn sounding awoke Buffy from her stupor. Xander, Cordy, Willow, Oz, and Giles all piled out of Giles' car (don't ask me how they all fit, it just works with my story) and rushed over to Buffy.

"Guys! What are you doing here???!!!" Buffy held her voice to a loud whisper.

"Please, Buffy!" Willow rolled her eyes, although her lips were smiling. "Like we don't know you well enough to know you'd try to ditch us!"

"Yeah," Xander put in, pulling a stake out of his jacket pocket. "Like you have every other time it was important."

"You really shouldn't be so predictable, Buffy," Cordy said, studying her nails. She tried to look disinterested but didn't pull it off too well.

"We're here for you," Giles shuffled his feet and played with his glasses.

"Yeah," Oz nodded enthusiastically. His right arm was wrapped around Willow protectively. He held a cross the size of a basketball in his other hand.

"Thanks, guys." Buffy's voice cracked. She turned to the warehouse and her face paled. She briskly walked to the entrance.

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