Buffy Episodenguide |
6x06 "All The Way"
[Halloween - Die Nacht der Überraschungen]
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Janice (redet über Justin): So?
Dawn (herunterspielend): He's okay.
Janice: "Ho hum" okay or "oh-my-god-I'm-gonna-pee-my-pants" okay?
Dawn (auflachend): Pee!
Giles: I'll give you a choice, son. We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the - -
(Scheinwerfer rund um die Lichtung gehen an. Eine Menge Vampire steigen aus ihren Autos)
Justin: What were my choices again?
Buffy: Dawn! Are you --
(sie bemerkt den Wagen, neben dem Dawn steht, und daß sie Justins Jacke trägt)
Buffy: Were you parking? With a vamp?!
(Dawn schüttelt Justin ab)
Dawn: I didn't know he was dead!
Justin: Living dead.
Dawn: Shut up.
Buffy: How could you not know?
Dawn: I just met him.
Buffy: So you were parked in the woods with a boy you just met?
Justin: We've seen each other at parties--
Buffy: Shut up.
Carl (zu Spike im Kampf): What's your malfunction, man!
Spike: It's Halloween, you nit! We take the night off. Those are the rules.
Carl: Me and mine don't follow no stinking rules. We're rebels!
Spike: No, I'm a rebel. You're an idiot.
(er schießt mit der Armbrust und vernichtet Carl)
Giles: We need to have a conversation.
Dawn: This the part where you tell me you're not angry, just disappointed?
Giles: Pretty much. Except for the bit about not being angry.