Fiction By Author
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The Cold From Hell (FR-13) Willow/Angel(us) Another fluff piece. 5th in The Hell Series
Everlasting Moon (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Six years after graduation, two old friends run into each other.
The Hell In Wanting... (FR-21) Willow/Angel(us) By popular demand... 7th in The Hell Series
Hell On The Body (FR-18) Willow/Angel(us) Angel’s thoughts while in Hell. This story includes Angel owies. Please consider yourself warned. 1st in The Hell Series
Hell On The Soul (FR-18) Willow/Angel(us) Angel’s soul makes a painful journey. 2nd in The Hell Series
Kiss The Rain (FR-13) Willow/Angel(us) Post-'Pangs'. Written in response to a 'dialogue only challenge' from a friend. Willow and Angel reconnect after Thanksgiving with a little help from the phone company. 5th in The Scattered Thoughts Series
I'd Follow You Into Hell (FR-13) Willow/Angel(us) Final fluff piece, Angel gets a rude awakening. 6th in The Hell Series
I'll Stand By You (FR-13) Willow/Angel(us) Angel comforts Willow in the wake of a tragic event.
The Look In Your Eyes (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Missing scene from Prom Night. Willow and Angel's thoughts after the end of the episode. 2nd in The Scattered Thoughts Series
Promise You Forever (FR-21) Willow/Angel(us) Post-Graduation 2. The long-awaited sequel to 'Road Has Come to an End'. What happened that night after Willow left for the mansion? (Probably one of the longest PWP's on record). 4th in The Scattered Thoughts Series
The Road Back From Hell (FR-13) Willow/Angel(us) A little fluff piece about Willow and Angel’s growing friendship. 4th in The Hell Series
The Road Has Come To An End (FR-13) Willow/Angel(us) Missing scene post-Graduation 2. Willow's thoughts as she reflects over recent events and the upcoming departure of a good friend. 3rd in The Scattered Thoughts Series
A Silence Falls (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Post-Angel ep 'Heroes'. A follow-up story to 'Wells of Silence', told from Willow's POV. 7th in The Scattered Thoughts Series
Sorry Now (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Missing scene from Doppelgangland. What was going through Angel's head from the point where he sees Evil Willow in the Bronze to point where he finds her in the library? 1st in The Scattered Thoughts Series
To Hell And Back (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Despite Angel’s warning, Willow brings him back from Hell. 3rd in The Hell Series
The Wells Of Silence (FR-15) Willow/Angel(us) Post-Angel ep 'Heroes'. Firmly settled into his new city, Angel struggles to cope with a devastating loss. 6th in The Scattered Thoughts Series
You Forgot To Mention Hell, Horatio (FR-18) Willow/Angel(us) The Scooby Gang meets a different kind of Immortal. Crossover with Highlander
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.