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After Cheerleading Practice (FR-21) Faith/Cordelia Faith hangs around after cheerleading practice.
Baby-Sitting (FR-21) Willow/Tara, Willow/Dawn Willow and Tara baby-sit Dawn. Also contains Willow/Tara.
The Bet (FR-21) Buffy/Faith Buffy makes a little wager with Faith, but can the dark slayer handle the pressure?
Comfort Me (FR-21) Faith/Angel(us) Faith needs comforting, and Angel's willing to provide it for her.
Dear Diary (FR-21) Dawn/Faith Dawn wrote a lot of diary entries – these are the ones that are about Faith.
Distraction (FR-21) Faith/Angel(us) Faith and Angel come to blows.
Hot (FR-21) Buffy/Faith Buffy gets attacked by a demon with an interesting outcome.
A Little Bit Of Nastiness (FR-21) Buffy/Faith, Dawn/Faith Maybe Buffy needs just a little...
Quickie (FR-21) Faith/Cordelia Faith and Cordelia have a quickie in the locker room.
Tease (FR-21) Buffy/Faith Buffy teases Faith until she can't take it anymore.
Water Endeavors (FR-21) Buffy/Faith Faith, Buffy and a swimming pool in the early morning.
What You Need (FR-21) Faith/Kate Faith gets out of prision and surprisingly Det. Kate Lockley wants to help her patch her life back together.
Who Knew? (FR-21) Willow/Faith An insight to Faith and Willow's sex life.
You Should Have Listened (FR-21) Faith/Angel(us) Set in alternate universe, around season 3. Angel's demon has been unleashed and Faith wants to sort things out. But she makes it worse.
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.