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Fiction By Author

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Divinity of Hell (FR-15)
Willow/Lex Luthor
Willow travels to Smallville to get a book from Lionel Luthor, trouble and romance ensue.

Fall On Me (FR-15)
Cordelia/Lex Luthor, Wesley/Chloe
When Cordelia has a vision it leads her and Wesley to Smallville.

Mind vs Heart (FR-15)
Lindsey/Chloe Sullivan, Angel/Chloe Sullivan, Cordelia/Angel
Chloe Sullivan loved three people in her life time. One she betrayed, one betrayed her, and the other almost killed her.

Ms. Rosenberg Goes to Washington (FR-15)
Willow/Sam Seaborn
After an incident with Spike, Willow goes to work at the White House.

Of Love And Vengeance (FR-18)
Cordelia/Angel, Cordelia/Lex Luthor
When Lex loses his wife, he swears revenge and remembers the events that brought him to were he is today.

Permission (FR-13)
Dawn/Bobby Drake
Dawn/Bobby fluff

Pretended Love (FR-18)
Willow/Mr. Lyle, Willow/Jarod
The Centre wants Willow, can Jarod save her in time?

Pull Me Up, Drag Me Down (FR-18)
Willow/Alex Krycek
On a mission in Sunnydale the unexpected happens, and Alex Krycek must call on an old enemy for help.

Surprise (FR-18)
Willow/Severus Snape
Willow has a surprise for Severus

Truth, Justice, And The American Way (FR-15)
Willow/Clark Kent
Willow and Clark wake up married. Things only get more complicated from there.

   No Jealousy
   Telling Them
   Defending Her Honor
   Dinner Talk
   Lost Girl
   Moving Day




No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.