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Fiction By Author
Pixie Child - Email - Website
All Fall Down (FR-15) Chloe/Dawn, Angel(us)/Dawn Her reality is tearing at the seems
Alone (FR-15) Dawn/Faith, Dawn/Faith/Angel(us) Billions dead; three alive
Bad Feelings (FR-13) Willow/Spike Darn, stupid assuming vampire
Better (FR-18) Faith/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Faith/Buffy, Faith/Angel, Buffy/Spike, Angel/Spike Leather and kinks and talks about Him
Borderline (FR-18) Cordelia/Buffy She's not actualy cheating, because she isn't gay
Dear Sister (FR-13) Kennedy/Chloe (friendship) Angels and Potentials, maggots and guilt
Divide And Attract (FR-13) Fred/Faith, Cordelia/Faith Fred's just too cute to kill
Empty Soul (FR-13) Kennedy/Angel(us) She's all little pieces inside
Eww! (FR-13) Willow/Giles It’s some kinda evil
Kid Sister (FR-13) Dawn/Riley Dawn kinda likes him. And that’s totally weird.
Lies Like Air (FR-13) Anne/Nina They help keep her going. So little does.
Little Girl (FR-13) Dawn/Cordelia She was always so pretty
Lower Levels (FR-18) Cordelia/Angel(us) She can't, she won't, she must
Never, Ever (FR-18) Dawn/Wesley She can't, she won't, she must
Remember (FR-13) Dawn/Faith He doesn't remember.
Say It (FR-18) Gwen/Tara Tell me who your mouth was made for.
Sugar And Spice (FR-15) Fred/Wesley She will always be alone
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.