Fiction By Title
Magical Interlude by Angelina (FR-15) Buffy/Willow Buffy shows an interest in Willow's hobby.
Making Her Mine by Kylia (FR-21) Willow/Spike Spike wants Willow & sets about a plan to get her
Masters And Minions by Medea (FR-21) Willow/Spike/Angel(us) A minion turns Willow, breaking every vampire code of conduct. Now, Willow has to learn to survive as an outcast. Off-site link. 1st in The Masters And Minions Series
Matched Pair by Brenda Antrim (FR-21) Angel(us)/Doyle Doyle didn't die. Here's how, and why.
The Meeting by Shannon (FR-7) Willow/Bill Weasley Bill is sent to recruit a new member for the order.
Me In You Brenda Antrim (FR-21) Angel(us)/Lindsey It's a mad season in LA as Lindsey comes home.
Breathing Room
Broken In
Millennium by Kylia (FR-18) Willow/Spike Spike, Willow, & Angel return to Sunnydale to finish something started a millennium ago
Mind Games by Angelina (FR-15) Buffy/Willow Willow has certain thoughts she doesn't want Buffy to hear during 'Earshot'.
Mind vs Heart by Malana (FR-15) Lindsey/Chloe Sullivan, Angel/Chloe Sullivan, Cordelia/Angel Chloe Sullivan loved three people in her life time. One she betrayed, one betrayed her, and the other almost killed her
The Mistake by Kylia (FR-15) Willow/Wesley Wesley leaves LA after making an error. 1st in the Wesley's Wild and Wacky Demon Hunting Adventures Series
Moon Dance by Christine (FR-21) Spike/Dawn The beach has never been more sensual...
Mo Peata (My Pet) by Chickalupe (FR-21) Xander/Angel(us) Angel finally gets his reward, and Xander finds something he didn’t even know he needed.
The Morning After by Angelina (FR-18) Buffy/Willow, Faith/Cordelia The aftermath of the Homecoming Dance.
The Morning After...And Then Some by Karen (FR-15) Willow/Spike Sequel to Truth, Dolls, And The Damned 2nd in the Damned Series
Moving On by Wildecate (FR-7) Willow/Legolas Greenleaf Willow is transported to Middle Earth and finds comfort in the arms of someone unexpected.
Ms. Rosenberg Goes to Washington by Malana (FR-15) Willow/Sam Seaborn After an incident with Spike, Willow goes to work at the White House.
My Bedclothes Are Retarded by Paradox761 (FR-15) Willow/Xander Some late night introspection set in mid-season 4
My Favourite Game by Caitlin (FR-15) Buffy/Spike There are several ways to fulfill desires. When Spike's faced with the option, which one will he choose?
My Kingdom for a Spikebot by PaganBaby (FR-21) Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Spike, Xander/Spikebot Buffy has the hots for Spike, but can't admit it. She has Warren do her a little favor...
My Slayer Lady by Angelina (FR-18) Buffy/Willow, Faith/Cordelia Buffy and Willow offer dating advice to Faith. Cordelia intervenes.
No one associated with this site (or the authors that post here) are making any sort of money from the use of the characters from BTVS & Ats. Buffy, Angel, Willow, etc. belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, WB, UPN, Mutant Enemy, and all other affiliates.